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"Alright Jonathan," Evan explained, "We're gonna learn a bunch of basic offence and defence spells."
Jonathan and Evan were currently in the ballroom, it being spacious enough to allow them to move around and such. Jonathan still had the necklace Evan gave him around his neck as Evan had his.
"Now I'm gonna teach you how to put up a small shield," Evan continued to talk, "This spell is mostly used to up close contact, like fist fighting."
He held his hand out, and swiping it up a red line, a meter in width, appeared before going away three seconds later.
"I know that you haven't had the chance to use a lot of magic, but this is what practice is for. For a mage it's all about the thinking; you say the spell, in your head, and then produce it. Just think about what I did, and recreate it."
Jonathan nodded. He raised his hand up, thinking about what Evan did. Doing the motion the same thing happened, except the color was a sky-blue.
"Well done," Evan clapped, "That was amazing. Now, onto the bubble shield. Most mages use this one when fighting an enemy that isn't close to them and to also protect others."
He pressed the palms of his hands together before putting his arms out. A red, see through bubble appeared around him. He lowered it and waited for Jonathan to do it. Jonathan did the same thing, just right off the bat.
"Great," Evan said, "Our last defense, which is my personal favorite despite its difficulty, is short range teleportation. Best used when dodging a barrage of attacks and made for quick getaways."
Evan vanished in an instant, appearing behind Jonathan.
"The trick is that you have to think of the spot you wish to appear on, and then think of going there."
Jonathan took a deep breath in and out; he looked towards a spot and thought of going there as well. Though, the only problem was that he appeared in the air.
"Shiiiiit!," Jonathan yelled as he fell.
Evan teleported underneath Jonathan, catching him in his arms.
"You tried," he chuckled, "But like I said, this spell is rather difficult and needs a lot of practice. Now onto offence."
He put Jonathan back down on his feet and took steps back.
"Put your bubble shield up please."
Jonathan did that.
"This spell is more of a slice and dice spell, sending out small waves that are sharp, and would cut someone up badly. Thus why I asked you to put your shield up...I promise I won't hurt you."
Jonathan did a curt nod; Evan then waved his right arm, then left, and then did a roundhouse kick, each one sending a small red crescent shapes flying Jonathan's way. Each one clashed against Jonathan's shield, and he held it strong despite cracks that were showing. He lowered it.
"You ok?," Evan asked.
"Mhm," Jonathan hummed.
"Alright then, your turn."
"Aren't you going to put up your shield?"
"Don't worry, I have a way of blocking them."
Jonathan did the same first two movements, but clasped his hands together and swung them down, sending a slightly larger one. Evan used the same attack to get rid of the others, using the first shield spell he showed to block the other one.
"Very good," Evan grinned, "You sure you haven't practiced before?"
"Yeah," Jonathan grinned back, "I guess I'm stronger than we both think."
"We'll see. The next spell would be about summoning small little portals that would release shards, spears, or any other throwable weapon. Bubble shield please."
Jonathan did it again. Evan lifted his right hand up, tiny little red circles appearing before glowing red spears, more like long staffs with a sharp point on both ends, shot straight towards Jonathan. Jonathan held the shield up as the pierced it. Jonathan lowered it as the spears evaporated.
"Ok," Evan placed his bubble shield up, "Your turn."
Jonathan raised his right hand, blue circles appearing as glowing, light-blue shards shot out in a rapid fire. Evan watched them pierce his shield before they stopped.
"Shards, not bad," he complemented, "Ready for the last spell before we have a small duel?"
"I guess," Jonathan shrugged.
"Trust me, you'll like this one. This one is all about summoning your own weapon. Usually it would be the weapon that your amulet resides with, so you might get my mother's."
Evan brought out a sword, sharp and in a sort of wavy style with the blade part. Jonathan held his hand out and attempted to summon the weapon, feeling a leather handle as he looked and saw a golden colored whip in his hand that had blades on both sides of the rope.
"I don't think I'm good at whips," Jonathan looked at it.
"Don't worry," Evan ensured, "The amulet allows you to have the knowledge on how to use it."
"If you say so."
"So, are you ready for our duel."
"More or less..."
Evan readied his weapon, Jonathan with his. Evan dashed forward and went to strike. Jonathan moved the whip, blocking his attack and managing to knock it out of Evan's hands. He continued to lash at Evan, Evan doing backflips before teleporting away. He summoned the spears again and fired them at Jonathan.
Jonathan made the whip disappear as he put up his bubble shield and blocked the attack. He sent the sharp lines towards Evan, Evan blocking them and doing the same. Jonathan managed to dodge them, and with such elegance as well. He than sent shards at Evan's way, followed up by the sharp lines. Evan teleported away as they landed where he once stood.
He's stronger than I expected, Evan thought for a moment as the pair made eye contact.
Jonathan smirked as he teleported behind Evan and attempted to kick him in the back. Evan blocked it, and they went into hand to hand combat. Jonathan sent up more shards, but Evan kicked Jonathan off his feet and sent the guy straight on his back. Jonathan looked to see spears and Evan's sword pointing at him.
"I win," Evan smirked in triumph, "Nice try though."
Jonathan rolled his eyes, but smiled as Evan made the weapons disappear and help him up.
"You were pretty good ya know," Evan wrapped his arms around Jonathan's waist.
"Well," Jonathan joked, "Someone has to be."
Evan stomach growled, and he blushed in embarrassment. Jonathan frown a little, but tilted his head a little and lowered the turtle neck part, but not enough to reveal the choker.
"Go on," he insisted.
Evan felt horrible, but he'll admit he was hungry for something other than regular food. He leaned in slowly, placing his fangs on the side of Jonathan's neck and sunk them in. Jonathan let out a shaky breath, trembling a bit as he held onto Evan. Evan couldn't find himself able to pull away as he drank and drank, but eventually did when he could feel Jonathan's knees begin to buckle underneath him. He pulled back and felt like he was on a drug; Jonathan was his drug.
Evan placed kisses up the brunette's neck till reaching his lips. Jonathan was weak, finding himself kissing back and wrapping his arms around Evan's neck. Evan shoved in tongue inside Jonathan's mouth, claiming every part as he rubbed his hands up and down Jonathan's sides. Jonathan whimpered at the touch. Evan growled, grabbing the back of Jonathan's head and pressing his lips more into is, now more like he was almost sticking his tongue down Jonathan's throat.
Jonathan clawed at Evan's back, he eyes closed in bliss as he savored the moment of Evan just dominating him. He released a small moan that was followed by mewling.

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