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Two days passed by, and Jonathan was no longer sick, but his wounds were still sore. Evan kindly gave him a full tour of the house the other day, but saying he'll save the courtyard tour for tomorrow. Jonathan was sitting in the library reading a book when Evan came in and up behind him.
"Hi," he greeted.
"Hello," Jonathan hummed, flipping to the next page.
"You ready for the last bit of the tour?"
"Yep; just let me finish this chapter. I'm almost done."
Evan nodded; he then smirked, but Jonathan was too absorbed in his book to notice. Evan rested his hands on Jonathan's shoulders and massaged them a bit. Jonathan let him, turning to the next page and reading the words. Evan's hands traveled up to the neck slowly, rubbing the back of the neck with thumbs before going down in between the shoulder blades. Jonathan let out a small hum.
"Alright casanova," Jonathan put the book on the coffee table, "We'll go."
Evan watched Jonathan exit the library; he couldn't help but fall for the man, but he knew his heart was owned to another person.
Someday, he told himself as he left the library as well.
Jonathan got on his riding boots and cloak, happy that he was wearing warm clothing. He came down the stairs to see Evan already in his cloak and boots. He looked up at him, seeming to look at him up and down.
"You look beautiful," he complemented.
"Geez," Jonathan playfully rolled his eyes while coming down, "Buy me dinner first before you try anything good sir. And best not to tell my love."
Jonathan noticed that Evan was holding back something with a small smile. They walked out through a back door and into the snow covered courtyard. Jonathan liked it despite the snow, and he looked around at the various trees or bushes that were there.
"It's prettier when there isn't snow," Evan smiled sadly, "A lot of flowers and such."
"Why is it winter here?," Jonathan asked as they went down a flight of stairs.
He then looked forward and saw a huge field, but there were gravestones scattered across it. A small pathway lead up to what looked like a crypt in the distance.
"Evan?," Jonathan looked up at Evan with worry.
Evan had a sad look on his face as he intertwined his hand with Jonathan's. Jonathan gave it a light squeeze as they walked forward along the path.
"This is where why entire family is buried," Evan explained, his voice quiet though, "From my entire family tree they're all here."
They made it to the front of the crypt, the names "Eviline Fong" and "Franklin Fong" put above on the front. Evan looked up at it with tears in his eyes. Jonathan felt a sting of pain go through his heart.
"I miss them so much," Evan breathed shakily, "Everything they've done for me...I wish I could've done the same..."
Jonathan hugged him tightly, Evan hugging him back and sobbing into his shoulder.
"It's all my fault," Evan whimpered.
"It wasn't," Jonathan retorted, "What ever happened, I'm sure it wasn't your fault; I know it's not your fault."
Evan was looking down at the snow covered ground; he kept smelling it.
No, he hugged Jonathan tighter, I can't do that to him; I can't tell him.
Jonathan soon let go and held Evan's hands in his own.
"I know they loved and still love you very much," Jonathan reassured Evan, "They would never leave you. They're always with you."
Jonathan placed a hand where Evan's heart would be.
"Right there...Right in your heart."
Evan smiled down at Jonathan, Jonathan smiling back up at him; Evan then sparked an idea.
"Follow me," he held to Jonathan's hand, guiding him.
They walked back into the castle and up the flight of stairs towards the library. They entered and walked around a corner where there was a door. Evan opened the door to reveal some type of office, but it looks like it hasn't been entered in years despite how clean it is. Evan let go of Jonathan's hand to look around for something. Jonathan wandered around a little, finding many potion and spell books lying around.
Jonathan turned around to see Evan holding up a necklace; it had a gold key as the pendent, an image of a star scribed at the top part with words Jonathan could read.
"This was my mother's," Evan presented it, "I want you to have it."
"Oh no Evan," Jonathan shook his head, "I can't take this-"
Evan stepped forward and placed the necklace around Jonathan's neck, clipping the clasps together, Jonathan looked down at it. He held the pendent part and looked at it.
"You have been so nice to me," Evan placed his hands on Jonathan's shoulders, "I want you to have this...It's a gift...From me to you."
Jonathan looked up at him, seeing this warm smile on his face and copying it.
"Now," Evan released Jonathan, "I'm gonna go make us some lunch, and I can show you a better part of the courtyard later."
"Ok," Jonathan nodded, "Thank you."
"You're most welcome."
After Evan left, Jonathan looked back down at the pendent and admired it.
Heh, Evan has been so nice to me, he clutched it lightly, ...I still love Luke, and miss him so. I hope I'll be able to find him again.
Jonathan walked over to the desk and brushed off dust from one of the many large books.
"Magic Arts," Jonathan read out loud, "Be careful which words speak, and you will find the truth that you seek."
Jonathan opened the book and flipped through the many pages until landing on one with a small note on it. He picked it up and read it.
Chant spell to the mirror and ask it a question.
Jonathan looked behind him and saw a body length mirror right behind him. Walking up to it he read the spell in the book.
"To see the truth, and know the way, I cast a spell in every way. By the power of three I conjure thee to give thy truth unto me."
The mirror rippled and shifted until it was dark with purple swirls swimming around in the middle. Jonathan looked between the page in the book and the mirror.
"Uhm," he coughed awkwardly, "I would like to know the truth about Evan Fong."
The mirror swirled until he saw images go by in a short movie.
A man and a woman fighting off something with magic.
The mother giving a young Evan her pendent.
Evan hiding the pendent.
The parents lying dead on the floor
Someone covered by a dark cloak pointing at the small boy.
Evan screaming as fangs appeared in his mouth.
Blood everywhere.
Evan at his normal age looking at him with blood red eyes and blood in his mouth.
Him lunging.
Jonathan let out a small scream, dropping the book and covering his face with his arms. When he looked up he only saw a reflection of himself.

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