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Jonathan fluttered his eyes open to see he was somewhere he did not recognize. He felt plush cushions underneath him, and saw that he was dressed in something else; a black wrap that covered his upper torso and exposing his stomach, a black colored egyptian kilt, no shoes, and had these gold cuffs on his wrists, ankles, and one around his neck with the same red stone in the middle. He got up and looked around at his surroundings to see he was in this lounge, and a mirror showed that he was also wearing makeup.
"Feeling comfortable?~"
Jonathan gasped, turning around swiftly and seeing Tenebris at the door, his cloak not on though.
"Wh-Where am I?," Jonathan asked as Tenebris walked towards a desk, "Where's Evan?"
"Hush pet," the dark mage poured himself a drink, "You are in my home now, and this is where you will stay; forever."
"No...No no, I want to go home! Take me back!"
"You are in no place to make demands. And I am sure you have no wish to be harmed."
Jonathan shut his mouth, keeping an eye contact with Tenebris as he took a sip from his drink.
"You are a rather pretty thing," he smirked, "I can see why Evan Fong has taken such an interest in you. But, I will give you an interesting fact; I can feel my host's emotions towards a person...And I will say, Luke is still in love with you."
Jonathan shook his head.
"No," he denied, "He loves someone else. I don't even love him back."
"Such a shame. He wishes that he never abandoned you in the woods. And you go and turn your back on him."
Jonathan hugged himself, facing away from Tenebris. Tenebris placed his drink down and walked up behind Jonathan. Jonathan felt arms snake around his waist, looking up and seeing his reflection in the huge mirror, seeing the other behind him. Tenebris smirked as he leaned close to Jonathan's ear.
"I will add that I find you breathtaking when you're scared. Beautiful when you're in my arms when you're frightened."
Jonathan was forced to turn around, and gasped when he felt lips press roughly on his. He was shoved down on the cushions, and he fought back. Tenebris snuck his tongue in, making Jonathan cringe. Jonathan then bit his tongue, causing him to pull back. He kicked Tenebris off, making him land on the floor. Tenebris just giggled, him giving this crazed expression. Jonathan shot up and ran out of the room.
"You can run Jonathan~," Tenebris called out to him, "But you can't hide~"
Jonathan ran into this throne room, seeing another exit out of it. Before he could run a large cage, a birdcage, landed on him, trapping him. Tenebris walked up to him, shaking his head in disappointment.
"I guess this can be your punishment," he grasped Jonathan's jaw through the bars as chains attached to the cuffs and to the floor of the cage.
"When Evan finds you you're dead," Jonathan growled through gritted teeth.
"I'd like for him to try and find us. We're somewhere where he would NEVER look. Somewhere where he FORBIDS to enter...Aren't you missing something?~"
Jonathan saw Tenebris hold up the necklace Evan gave him; the mother's necklace.
"I will be hanging onto this," he grinned, "And you will stay in here until you submit to me, and me alone."
Tenebris let go, using magic to hoist the cage into the air and hang onto a hook on the ceiling. Jonathan shook the bars.
"EVAN WILL FIND ME!," he said, but he knew it was only to keep his hopes up.
Tenebris teleported in the cage, grabbing one of the chains connected to the cuff around Jonathan's neck, pulling him close to his face.
"Keep telling yourself that my dear," Tenebris sneered, but growled his words out, "You may think that he'll come rescue you, but in the end he will never find you. He'll give up on you and face the reality that sits before him. You won't get out, and you will never leave. You might as well give up."
"I will NEVER give up," Jonathan hissed.
"A fighting spirit; I heard mages born under the blue moon have such a spirit in them. But if you look around you, there is no moon around you to give you power, and you have no amulet to help generate your magic."
"I don't care! I know Evan will find me!"
Tenebris wrapped his fingers around Jonathan's neck, Jonathan gripping onto his wrist and started choking. After what seemed forever, Tenebris let Jonathan go, Jonathan collapsing onto his knees and coughing violently.
"Let you learn from this to never talk back to me," Tenebris spoke coldly, "No matter what you think, you will never go back."
He placed a gentle hand under Jonathan's chin, Jonathan glaring into his eyes, but the fear was there.
"So darling, you better get comfortable, because depending how long it takes until you submit to me will be as long as your stay in here."
Tenebris let go and teleported away; Jonathan stood to his feet and banged his fist against the bars of his cage in frustration. He went to his knees and leaned against the bars.
Evan will find me, he told himself, I just have to keep faith.
Evan went into the study in his library, finding the spell book already opening to the truth spell. Picking it up he turned to the mirror and held his hand out.
"To see the truth, and know the way, I cast a spell in every way. By the power of three I conjure thee to give thy truth unto me," he chanted.
The mirror's reflection swirled.
"Show me where Jonathan is!," he demanded.
The mirror distorted, but then began to crack.
No no no no!, Evan's eyes widened in fear, Don't break! Not on me! PLEASE!
The mirror now had cracks of all sizes running down it, and the spell diminished; Evan was left staring at his own distorted reflection. He threw the book at the wall in frustration. He flipped a table which had papers, making them fly across the floor. Evan huffed, calming down. One paper caught his eye, and he picked it up and looked at it.
The Moon Pool Mirror
As a discovery,
if you chant the truth spell at a moon pool
when the moon is full and shining through
you could try and ask it a question.
The only danger of this
will be a test.
The moon pool mirror will make you face yourself.
And you will be forced to look
at an awful truth
within yourself.
Evan thought about this for a moment.
This could be the only way to find Jonathan, he said to himself, The only way I could save him.
Evan folded the paper and placed it in his pocket. He went back outside and whistled for his wolves; Crystal was the first to appear, with Katie, Charlie, and Saber following close behind.
"Jonathan is in trouble," Evan explained to them, "I need to use the moon pool to find him."
The wolves looked between each other before Crystal gave him an approving look.

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