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I can't tell him I basically invaded his privacy!, Jonathan panicked, I even used his mom's necklace too!
"N-No," Jonathan shook his head, "I didn't."
Evan furrowed his brows, but nodded.
"Ok then," he said, "But, maybe I should teach you a few tricks to help you. Plus, it'll be fun and pass the time."
"If you say so," Jonathan yawned.
Evan picked him up bridal style, carrying him out of the cave and back to the castle. He brought him into his separate room before going to his own. Jonathan got ready for bed, curling up under the covers and sleeping like a baby. In the middle of the night he found himself waking up and unable to fall back asleep. He got up from his bed, grabbed his cloak and boots, and wandered downstairs and out into the garden.
The cold air nipped at Jonathan's face as he looked at the frozen flowers the remained preserved in frost. He let his hand brush against leaves as he loved how quiet it was; he then heard footsteps.
"Hello?," he called out.
Jonathan walked forward and saw footprints embedded into the snow and leading off somewhere further in the garden.
"Evan?," he called out, "Is that you?"
Jonathan continued walking up he saw a person, their back turned to him; they were wearing a black cloak, the hood up as a pale hand had a white rose clasped lightly in it.
"Hello, Jonathan," a dark and echoey male voice greeted, "Enjoying the garden at this hour?"
"Who are you?," Jonathan demanded, "How do you know my name?"
The man turned around, his face completely covered in shadows despite bright red glowing eyes shining through. Jonathan would lie if he said he wasn't scared, but he wasn't going to show it.
"So demanding," the man chuckled, "Are you always like this around people?"
"No...," Jonathan answered, not sure what to say next.
"If you insist. Now, let's try this again: Hello Jonathan, enjoying the garden at this hour?"
"So am I. Such a beautiful night, such a shame it is rather cold."
"I guess...Who are you?"
"Well, I guess introductions are in order. I am Tenebris, I looked forward to meeting you."
"Well you see, I can help you; we can help each other."
"I don't know what you mean by that."
Tenebris lifted his hand up, a ball of dark shadows swirling around until in the middle showing Luke chained and wounded severely. Jonathan looked shocked and frightened that his, well, ex-boyfriend was like this. Sure he was angry at him, but he wished no ill on him.
"Ah, you know this person well," Tenebris stepped closer, "You know you still feel love towards him. Don't you?"
Jonathan couldn't find any words as he was handed the orb and looked at Luke he was now just shaking. Tenebris walked up behind Jonathan and placed his hands on his shoulders.
"I can tell you where he is. But, I do need a favor in return."
"...What's this favor?," Jonathan asked.
"Well you see, I lost something that was veeeery important to me, and I know that you can find it."
"What is it?"
"Like many mages, all of us have an amulet. Mine is somewhere hidden deep in the castle catacombs of Fong Manor. Something that dear Evan Fong has stolen from me."
"Why would he steal something from you, or from anybody?"
"He is a thief, a liar, and would do anything to keep what is "his". And in this case, he stole my amulet and locked it deep under his castle...Where your love is locked away."
The image zoomed out, seeming to go backwards through hallways until going through a doorway with the door closing and locking shut.
"You know where that door is," Tenebris whispered in Jonathan's ear, "And I know where he is. Together, we both get what we want...It was Evan that let the wolves go on the other side of the river to hunt you down, it was Evan that had kept you here and making you think less of your home everyday, and it was Evan that locked Luke away and tortured him."
"No," Jonathan shook his head, "He wouldn't...He couldn't..."
"Don't deny it Jonathan, you know it's true. Right in front of you is proof."
Jonathan felt betrayed by Evan, feeling some form of hate grow in him. Tenebris smirked.
"Now," he lowered his hands to clasp Jonathan's upper arms, "I have a plan, but I need to know that I have your alliance...So my dear Jonathan, we have a deal?"
Jonathan thought hard about this before slowly nodded. Tenebris giggled a little.
"Perfect. Now, here how this will work; you will continue to follow along with Evan in the meantime. He would be training you in magic and make you stronger. You already have his trust, but he wouldn't just simply hand you the keys he keeps by his side. Wait until three nights pass. First you will get your precious person, and then you can get my amulet. I believe that you would keep to our deal, hm?~"
Jonathan swallowed thickly, but nodded. Tenebris snapped his fingers, and the orb diminished in Jonathan's hands. Tenebris went back to facing him, lifting his chin up with his fingers and drawing him close.
"Oh what fun we'll have," Jonathan could see a toothy smile, "I promise you that you will not regret this~"
Jonathan tensed as he felt a pair of ice cold lips faintly connect with his. He began to get dizzy, closing his eyes as he collapsed in the man's arms. When he woke up he was back in his bed, it already being morning. Jonathan got up and stumbled over to the mirror to notice that he had something around his neck. It was a choker, having a black, velvet material as to attach it to his neck and a bright red stone in the middle.
Jonathan felt around the back to see if he could find anything to take it off, but there wasn't. He then saw a note in front of him, and he picked it up and read it.
Just to remind you of our little deal~
I'll be watching you.
Jonathan hid the note in a drawer, finding a turtle neck shirt and putting it on to hide the choker. A knock sounded on his door.
"Jonathan?," Evan called out, "Are you awake?"
"Um, yeah," Jonathan put on some jeans and socks, "Just a moment."
He placed Evan's mom's necklace on, still keeping it since it was special, and opened the door to see a smiling Evan.
"I made us breakfast so that we'll have enough energy to train for today," he chirped, "I can't wait to start."
"Yeah," Jonathan nodded, "Me too."
"...Are you ok?"
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine."
"Are you sure? You're rather pale."
Evan placed a hand against Jonathan's forehead, the brunette's skin cold.
"Are you sick?," Evan asked.
"I'm not sick," Jonathan insisted, "Now, let's eat that breakfast you made. I am starving."
Jonathan brushed past him and walked down the stairs. Evan suspected something was off about Jonathan; very off. Jonathan seemed to be lost, his skin was cold, and there was something he was hiding. Evan stepped into Jonathan's room and searched around for anything that would be deemed a secret. He found a folded piece of paper, but before he could read it it bursted up into flames and turned into ash.
What the fuck was that?, he thought.

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