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Jonathan pretended to sleep when he heard Evan peek in to check on him before going out to do whatever he had to do. Jonathan saw that the whole castle went dark, as the lights went out. He slowly got up, finding some socks in one of the drawers and putting them on, and got the flashlight out from the backpack. He slowly opened the door and peered out into the dark hallway.
Welp, he left his room, Here we go.
Jonathan turned on his flashlight and walked down the hallway slowly; he shined the light around to see various paintings, an armor stand once in a while, and trophies from hunting. He found his way to a staircase and tiptoed down them. The stairs lead to a larger, but shorter, staircase that was feet away from the front door. Jonathan quietly ran up to the door and jiggled the handle. It was locked.
Jonathan shined the flashlight around to find two small archways, one on the left and one on the right. He chose left first, walking through and finding what he supposed was the living room. It was rather nice looking, but perhaps better if there was a little more light in it. He then saw it was connected into the dining room.
Holy shit this is nice, Jonathan walked around the table, This must have been expensive.
He walked back out and went through the other archway, leading down small flight of stairs to a door. He tried opening it, but it was locked.
Drat!, he marched up the stairs.
Jonathan went back up the large staircase and, this time, went to his right up the opposite steps. He saw a door on his right and a balcony, the glass doors closed, on his left. Going through the right door he found a library.
Score!, he grinned as he walked in and looked around at the books.
Jonathan searched the shelves, picking out books and flipping through them in search of any information. He turned to see a book, a rather large looking one, sitting on a coffee table. Jonathan walked up to it and opened it.
The Cursed Manor, he flipped through the pages, A story book?
Jonathan found a page with a picture of what he supposed was the family of this "manor"; from the pictures it looked more like a castle. He shined his light down and saw a very familiar face. But before he could do a closer inspection he heard a large door open and close.
"Shit!," he whispered.
Footsteps were heard climbing the stairs, and Jonathan rushed behind a couch where a table was, hiding underneath it, and shutting off the flashlight. He heard the creak of the door, and someone entered. Jonathan's heartbeat was thumping loudly in his chest as he couldn't hear where the person was. He had a hand over his mouth and held his breath as a pair of boots came into view. He could barely see them, but he knew that they were still there.
The feet moved away, Jonathan peaking a little to see Evan's figure in the dark. Jonathan crawled out and went into a crouch and made his way towards the door. He saw that Evan still had his back turned, giving him the chance to sprint out. Evan whipped around when he heard movement; he pursued after it.
Shit, shit, shit, shit, Jonathan said, panicking as he went down the large staircase and into the living room.
He ran into the dining room and hid underneath the long table. Jonathan saw Evan enter, looking around going walking around the table and searching.  Jonathan followed the movement and placed his hands on the legs of a chair. He pushed it out slightly to crawl out and scramble away. Bad luck struck for a bit, the chair falling over and making a loud noise.
Evan whipped around just to see whoever it was run off.
Clever person, he thought sarcastically chased after them.
Jonathan hid on the other side of a sofa, trying as quietly as he could to catch his breath and slow down his racing heart. He then peaked to see Evan wasn't there, or anywhere in the living room. He slowly got up, his scared filled baby-blue eyes darting around incase Evan was there but hiding. Jonathan turned around, letting out a scream as a hand grasped his wrist and held it in the air.
"Jonathan?," Evan said, "What are you doing running around in the dark?"
"I-I," Jonathan couldn't find his words, "I-I-I was, um, thirsty, s-so I went to find a glass of water."
"Then who was in the library?"
"Library? You have a library?"
Evan's eyes narrowed as Jonathan felt sweat go down his forehead; if there was one thing Jonathan was barely good at, it was lying.
"You shouldn't be running around in the dark," Evan let go of Jonathan's wrist, "You might get hurt, and I don't want that."
"I'm sorry," Jonathan mumbled, looking down at the floor in shame.
He gasped as Evan pulled him into a hug. Jonathan smelled something off; copper, almost smelling like blood. He brushed it off and relaxed in Evan's touch. He then yelped as Evan picked him up bridal style.
"Carrying you to bed. Relax."
Jonathan did what Evan said, shifting a little till he was comfortable. Evan carried him up the stairs, but walked past Jonathan's room.
"Um," Jonathan felt uncomfortable, "I-Isn't my room-?"
"You'll sleep with me in my room tonight," Evan answered, "I can't trust you to stay in your room for the rest of the night."
Evan opened his bedroom door and carried Jonathan inside; Jonathan was impressed with the style of Evan's bedroom, agreeing with himself that red was Evan's favorite color. Evan lightly kicked the door closed and carried Jonathan over to his bed.
"I'm going to get dressed in something comfortable," he went to the dresser and grabbed a few things before walking to another door, "Make yourself comfortable."
HOW?!, Jonathan screamed in his head as Evan closed the door behind him.
He shifted in the bed, rolling on his left side and letting out a small huff.
My fault anyways, he traced circles with his finger on the mattress, I should've ran back to my room. Well, temporary room until I get out.
Evan came back, steam leaving the room. He was drying his hair with a towel, the only thing he wearing was a pair of black sweatpants; no shirt. Jonathan kept quiet with his eyes closed as he felt the bed dip and the covers being lifted a little before lowering again. He tensed when Evan's arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him towards his chest. Evan then rested his head on Jonathan's right shoulder, Jonathan feeling Evan's breath.
Jonathan opened his eyes a little to see that Evan was fast asleep, his breathing even with the rising and falling of his chest. Jonathan shifted a little till he was comfortable to fall asleep. That was until he felt Evan move his head till his nose was just positioned right above his shoulder. Jonathan's heartbeat beated a little faster when Evan nuzzled his head in the crook of his neck. At that rate he just stayed awake until he fell asleep from exhaustion.
Jonathan's eyes fluttered open to see that there was light, still coming through the grey clouds, from a nearby window. He looked back to see that Evan was still fast asleep, right where he left him. He sighed through his nose as he just laid there without saying a word.
"You awake?," Evan mumbled softly and quietly.
"Hm," Jonathan hummed.
Evan was tracing circles near Jonathan's lower back while still keeping his eyes closed. It seemed to calm Jonathan, releasing some form of stress that he was holding back. Their legs were a little bit entangled together, Jonathan moving his until they weren't, but still touching.
"I'm still tired," Jonathan sighed.
"Then sleep," Evan whispered in his ear.
Jonathan closed his eyes again, trying to imagine it was Luke instead of Evan holding him.
I miss you Luke, he thought.

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