Part 18 : Paradiso ~ Breakfast

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When they arrived at the restaurant down the road, one of Amsterdam's famed 'Grand Cafes', they were the last one's to arrive. He had gotten a text while they were on their way telling in detail where the van was parked. He took Rashelle's duffel just outside the cafe and told her he'd be right back and to go ahead and head in. She nodded and winked at him. He flashed her a flirty smile and turned and walked away as she turned and headed inside.

Sam hoped that Cees wouldn't notice how much she affected him and he also hoped that Rashelle would be able to pull off indifference to him as well. This was not the best of circumstances, Sam thought, but oh well, fuck it. He thought. Even if he did suspect, Cees would never ask outright as he always claimed to not want to know about their private lives, but he might be a kut about it. Sam hoped for the best. Besides, who could be a kut when Rashelle smiled at you? He was hopeful.

And, just as predicted, as soon he made his way across the cafe to the table in the back where everyone had already been seated, everyone's faces were all lit up smiling and Rashelle had already had them all charmed and cheerful. It had only been a few minutes and already had them all eating out her hand, including Cees who seemed very relaxed and comfortable around her. Rashelle was handing over the Sandisk copies of her camera raw originals as Sam approached and took the only seat left - next to Rashelle who waitd for him to get comfortable before beginning her presentation. Rashelle then defined in detail what she was going to be doing over the next two days and what they could expect when she was finished. Then she continued to explain some of the things that she could do to the final selection of pics, different types of augments and repairs that could be done to make them more of, pretty much, whatever they wanted.

Sam was hanging on her every word. She was an excellent speaker and explained everything very simply and yet managed not to make them feel like they were being talked down to. She was a wonder. Sam tried his best not to smile too much at her, but he was sure he was failing miserably. Fortunately, all the other guys were grinning at her too like school boys verliefd! Even Cees seemed content with her professionalism and manners and didn't seem concerned in the slightest - which never happened! Cees always managed to find something to worry about, control freak that he was. Sam knew that he meant well, but sometimes it was agonizing having to listen to his cautionary lectures.

She also managed to do as Sam asked and flirted with each of the guys in turn in one way shape or form or another and Cees didn't seem to be that interested at their banter at all, but did manage a laugh or two whenever the the boys failed horribly at making the American girl flinch or feel uncomfortable by flirting back. She was tough! He thought and appreciated her professionalism, despite her young age as well as the way she was so easily able to manage the boys despite their being exceptionally difficult for her this morning. She was a very nice girl though, and never got flustered even once. He would have to thank Jesse for the referral and if things worked out, maybe they could hire her again, he thought. Her prices were certainly agreeable!


Finally, the breakfast was over and the meeting was over and Cees left but not before paying for everyone's food. It was an unprecedented occasion! Cees only paid for things when he was in a really, REALLY good mood. Wow, Rashelle had certainly worked her magic, hadn't she? Sam mused. Once the guys were alone with Rashelle, they all dropped their pretenses and pounced! They all wanted to know all about Sam and Rashelle's night together, including where Sam's new shirt came from and why he was still wearing the pants he wore yesterday, but obviously he had showered, and had they showered together? Did he satisfy her? Did she satisfy him? Were they both too tired to go the beach or would they rather stay behind and 'rest'?? Holy shit! Rashelle thought, completely overwhelmed by the barrage of questions, comments, assumptions, accusations and goddamn! That's it! she thought. Time to grab the reigns on this runaway train!

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