Part 28 : Party ~ 'The One'?

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The sun had finally disappeared beneath the waves, but it left behind a brilliant display of pinks and oranges and the music continued : Under Control by Alesso and Calvin Harris, I Wanna Know by Nico and Vinz with Alesso, & Heroes (We Could Be) by Alesso and Tove Lo.

As they sat together on the couch enjoying the sea breezes, they were joined by Dioni who walked right up to them, took a swig of his beer and then just stood and stared at them. It made them both grin. What was buzzing around in that brain of his?

"You really didn't have sex last night?" Dioni asked finally, still finding it hard to believe that anybody could manage to sleep next to a hottie like Rashelle and at least not try to get into her pants!

"Nee, Dioni." Sam told him with an audible sigh. Dioni took a seat on the couch positioned at a 90 degree angle to the one they were sitting on, bent forward and rested both elbows on his thighs, his beer dangling by one hand between his legs.

"Why not?" Dioni asked. "Did you at least get a blow job?"

"Dioni!" Sam said with a pained tone to his voice. Rashelle just tried not to giggle but wasn't doing a very good job so she decided on a whim to give up trying.

"He got cream in my hair." she said and both guys whipped their heads around and stared at her, both with incredulous expressions on each of their faces. Rashelle eyes were sparkling with mischief!

"What? You did." she told Sam who looked at her even more strangely but then suddenly the light went on in his brain and he realized what she was playing at.

"Oh, the shampoo!! I thought maybe I had a blackout!" Sam told her, his eyes wide with relief.

"Oh no! I'm sorry!" Rashelle told him and put her hand on his arm consolingly. Sam just laughed, relieved that she was making a joke and he didn't actually lose time and do something with her he didn't remember. Just the thought of missing a single minute with her pained him!!

"She has these amazing hair conditioners from California and they smell super lekker! Smell my hair!" Sam told Dioni and flipped his shoulder long curls in his friends direction. Dioni flinched, leaned backward and made a face.

"I'd rather smell hers." he said and stood up and walked over to Rashelle who indulged him by tipping her head to the side and letting Dioni smell her hair. Dioni made a big show of breathing in her hair and flashed an amazed look at Sam.

"Zijn lekker!" he said and went back for another smell. It took Sam a minute to notice, but Rashelle noticed right away that Dioni had lowered his right hand to his crotch and started to pretend to masterbate!

"Dioni!" Rashelle chided as she batted his hands away from himself Dioni laughed and so did Samuel, but mostly Sam was laughing at Rashelle's reaction.

"It's very nice, Morena." Dioni said and then his face lit up. "So, wait - you did shower together!!!" Dioni said much too loudly and several faces around them turned to see who it was who showered together. As if on queue, both Samuel and Rashelle covered their faces simultaneously - hands up, splayed fingers and everything!

"Woah!! Double Ra-muel!" Dioni shouted and all the onlookers started turning away then, probably because they didn't know what a Ra-muel was. Both Sam and Rashelle dropped their hands at hearing Dioni's exclamation and glanced at each other sheepishly.

"Alrighty then, I needed another drink. Let me up, Babe." Sam leaned forward and untucked her legs from his lap, then slipped out from behind him and stood up beside the couch. Sam leaned one arm over the back of the couch and looked up at Rashelle. The song changed and Close by Nick Jonas and Tove Lo started playing.

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