Part 24 : Scheveningen ~ The Boardwalk

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After indulging in an overly long hug, they both turned away from the Kurhaus and made their way towards the pier. They eventually caught up with the others and they all traveled down the rest of the boardwalk to the entrance to the pier. Sam told her they that he had another surprise for her. Her reaction was just as brilliant as before. Her face lit up and she looked at him with sheer appreciation. Who could resist that!?! He wondered. How could anyone ever do anything to hurt her? He then wondered. He remembered the pain that flowed out of her in waves as she sang her song, Hangover, in the van. He wondered if she wrote that song about the guy who cheated on her... the guy she followed to Los Angeles... more questions, he thought. So many questions!

They walked with the group all the way across the full length of the pier and only turned when they approached the catwalk that led up to the gigantic ferris wheel. Rashelle couldn't help but grab her phone and start taking pictures from the bottom staring up at the incredible feat of engineering. She was obviously impressed. Dioni caught a glimpse of her awestricken face and approached her. She saw him out of the corner of her eye and she flashed him a smile as he walked up and looked up at the ferris wheel with her.

"I've never been on one so big before!" she said and Dioni lost it. She looked over at him and he was hunched over, covering his mouth and trying not to laugh. She glanced back behind her and saw that Sam was doing the same thing. Dioni turned and took a step over to Sam and put his hand out and grabbed his shoulder. Sam reached out to him and did the same.

"Oh God, man!" Dioni said between hissing cackles. Rashelle took a second and then realized what she had said.

"Oh Lord!" She said and sighed then snapped a picture of them both hunched over laughing all red faced and trying desperately to not fall over. That was one for the scrapbook, she thought! Jai, Star, and Amber looked over and took in the scene before looking to Rashelle for explanation. She just shrugged her shoulders and shook her head at them. Jai laughed and pulled out his own phone and snapped a picture and then Amber did as well. Then they all heard Cassius' voice over the noise of the crowd and the two laughing hyenas.

"Hey!" he said and everyone looked over as several guys and a couple of girls all walked up and greeted them. Rashelle put her phone down and looked on, starting to feel a little bit nervous. She caught the names Gio and Ron and but they were on the other side of the group from her so she just looked on. Rashelle took a deep breath and tried to not look nervous. Sam was on to her, however. As soon as he regained his composure, he noticed right away that something wasn't quite right about Rashelle. Sam came up behind her, leaned in and spoke softly into her ear.

"You don't need to worry." he told her and she glanced back over her shoulder at him. He put a consoling hand on her lower back and spoke to her again, his face tantalizingly close to hers.

"I'll be right here, all night." he said to her and took her hand in his. Rashelle looked down at their intermingled fingers and smiled.

"Okay." She said finally. Sam leaned in and tried to catch her eyes in his. Rashelle looked over and they stared into one another's eyes and then smiled.

"Okay?" he asked again, and Rashelle nodded, and took a deep breath.

"Okay." she answered and nodded her head. Sam tipped his head in the direction he wanted to go and she nodded at him and they both began walking further down the pier.

Rashelle was overwhelmed with how many people there were! Like ants, all scrambling about narrowly avoiding running into one another and yet, unlike Los Angeles, everyone wore a smile on their face and seemed to be enjoying themselves. She also noticed that everyone was dressed super casual, seemingly choosing to opt for comfort rather than appearance. That was certainly not at all like LA!

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