Part 11 : Melkweg ~ Coffee Shop

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Rashelle and Sam walked and talked some more about things like the weather and different things they saw as they passed by as they headed towards the coffee shop. She asked about the Canal they were walking besides and about the bicycles and how the heck people rode them at night. Sam answered her questions with a chuckle but didn't make fun. He then starting asking her questions like about her photography and how she got started and where was Sacramento exactly? She laughed and told him Sacramento was the Capitol of California in the central valley which was in the big middle of the state, and how she left there after high school to go to college, and then moved to L.A. several years later.

"What made you move to Los Angeles?" he asked. She made a face and then answered him.

"A boy." she said and looked straight ahead as they walked down the road.

"Ah. I see." he said and she looked up and saw him grinning at her so she asked him why. He chuckled.

"Nothing." he evaded but she wouldn't let him off the hook so easy.

"No, what was that? What were you thinking? Something was amusing you." Rashelle pressed and Sam gave in.

"I was just thinking about what you said about dating in America." he said then paused with a grin on his face.

"Yeah... " she pressed again.

"And, I was just trying to imagine you acting like a helpless woman and some guy all puffed up like one of those birds of paradise trying to impress a female." He said stifling a laugh and Rashelle couldn't help but grin.

"Oh, my God." she said and shook her head. "No, it wasn't quite like that. Might have worked out if it was, actually. No, not really..." she said and he felt her mood grow somber. He wondered if he should dare ask further. He dared.

"What happened with him, then?" Sam asked, seriously. Rashelle looked over at him and then smiled and looked forward at the road.

"Just one in a long line of heartbreakers..." she said dramatically. Sam lifted an eyebrow at her. "He cheated, lied about, and then got caught." she clarified, focusing her attention on the road in front of her. "That pretty much fucks things up. Can't really fix anything after that." she told him, a slight lilt to her voice. Sam felt sorry for asking.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." he apologized, but Rashelle was quick to deny his apology.

"No, you didn't, really. Don't be sorry. I want you to ask me whatever you want. I don't want you thinking I'm some fragile femme fatale." she said and tried to get back to the easy mood they had shared earlier. Sam grinned at her and felt less guilty for prying into her past.

"Seriously, though. Ask me anything. It won't upset me, really. And even if I did get offended, I'd just tell you. I wouldn't throw a big fit or anything like that. I like curiosity. I respect honesty, and I don't mind answering personal questions. I really don't mind at all. Dioni doesn't even bother me." she told him and Sam laughed.

"You haven't known him long enough." Sam assured her and it was her turn to laugh.

"What was that? I heard my name!" Dioni shouted from ahead of them. They both looked up and saw that he had stopped at the corner and was waiting for them to catch up as the others all continued on to the coffee shop just ahead. As soon as they saw him, they both started laughing and kept walking down the street towards the others. Dioni didn't start walking with them right away. He just stood where he was and just grinned at them as they walked by.

Dioni was mostly amused at how well the two were getting along and he was happy for Sam. It had been a long time since he'd seen him so happy and the American girl seemed alright. At least she wasn't a stereotypical American! Nothing arrogant about her! He thought. She didn't know dick about fashion, didn't own any high heels and barely wore any makeup, just some powder, a little blush, black eyeliner, mascara and sparkly lipgloss the color of coneflowers. Her nails were painted but they were short and electric blue with sparkles! What kind of girl paints her nails blue? He wondered. A Samuel-kind of girl! He thought and then laughed at himself as he turned around and started walking, following along behind Sam and Rashelle. Damn though, she really did have a nice ass! Lucky Samuel! He always got the girls with curves! Oh well. He thought. Maybe she has a fine girlfriend in Los Angeles! That thought made him happy. Then he ran to catch up and squeezed himself between the two and put his arms around both of them.

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