Part 26 : Scheveningen ~ Wings

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Sam and Rashelle were barraged with smiles and greetings from a ton of people coming up to them, praising them, and Sam felt only half there, the other half of him never losing focus on her. Rashelle could feel Sam's eyes on her and no matter where she turned or who she spoke to, she knew exactly where he was, and that he was keenly aware of everything she did and everything she said and probably everything she was thinking as well!

The sound guy (Rashelle could never remember his name!) got Dioni's attention and Dioni got up from the piano and walked over to him. They exchanged words in Dutch and then Dioni returned and put his arm around Rashelle.

"Okay, Morena - one last song. The sound system's ready to go but I want one more. I need more, my lovely Los Angeles Angel. Come, sit, serenade us one last time and then I'll give you back to Sam."

Rashelle didn't know what to do. She felt weird. Dioni stood up from the bench and patted it, putting out his hands for her to sit down so she did as she was bid. As soon a she did, applause erupted from all around them, and shouts of Woohoo! In anticipation of Rashelle performing for them again. Sam was elated. He couldn't be more proud of her! This is what she deserved, he thought. She was as talented as he felt she was and this, this response by everyone in his life who worked in and around the music business - they were impressed by her talent and it made Sam happy. He hoped that Rashelle was feeling it too. After everyone quieted down a bit, she looked up at Sam, her eyes pleading for a sign as to what to do. He just nodded at her and he hoped she could see the admiration in his eyes.

"Okay Morena, I want something nobody will know. I want a Rashelle Rangel original." He told her, both of his hands on her shoulders as he leaned over behind her back and spoke closely to her ear, but loud enough that Sam could hear him.

"Tell her Sam. One more song and I'll let you have her back. I promise." he said, his voice pleading with Sam. Sam just sighed and looked at Rashelle and shrugged, wearing half a smile and an apologetic look on his face.

"You know you want to..." Dioni's voice whispered in her ear and she started to laugh and waved him away playfully.

"Alright, alright. Jezus!" she said with her best Dutch accent. And Dioni and Sam both cackled with laughter.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked sweetly. Rashelle rolled her eyes but she was smiling all the while. She was okay, he thought. She wasn't new to performing, he thought. Yeah, Sam, but she's performing in front of dozens of people who are important to you! He lectured himself inside his own head. Better steal her away after she's done. Have some time to themselves, maybe? He thought. Yeah, that sounds good. Sam decided as Rashelle took a big, deep breath, leaned over and picked up her soda glass from the side table and took a long drink before putting it back down.

"I'm okay. But this is the last one and then I need a break." she told Dioni.

"Okay!" Dioni said triumphantly. "Rashelle Rangel, everybody!" he announced and Rashelle cringed. Jesus, Dioni! For Pete's sake! Rashelle looked around at the club and saw that most of the revellers had gone back to their revelling and but quite a few still mulled around watching, waiting to see what they were going to do next. Well, what the fuck! Rashelle thought to herself.

After one last glance at Sam, and basking in some of his calm, she put her hands on the keys like she did before and waited - waited for the right song to come into her brain and travel down into her fingers and slide out of her vocal chords... She couldn't ever explain how she remembered so many songs and so many lyrics... she just did. She always had. It was a total mystery. And then the right song came to her and she began without hesitation.

Sunlight comes creeping in

Illuminates our skin

We watch the day go by

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