0 | Hunter and the Hunted

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For The-average-gatsby, whose marvellous editing has made this chapter better than the original. Check out her books, she writes very well. Thanks! 


Chapter 0: Hunter and the Hunted

'No! Lee! Save me! These monsters will kill me!' He could hear her terrifying screams in the dark. He could hear, but she was nowhere to be seen. 'Where are you?' he shouted. 'Lee! Please come here. I need you!' She was wailing helplessly. He tried to guess the source of the sound but it came from all directions, in his head and outside, everywhere and nowhere. In determination, he took off, stumbling blindly in search for her.

After what seemed like ages, he had almost given up hope when he saw her, sitting on the ground, hunched over with her hands fisting her hair and her jaw slacked. But her skin glistened a translucent white, appearing more of a ghost than actual flesh with a beating heart. He was running, as if for his own life, and hers. The screams only got worse; piercing his ears with harsh screeches as if they were nails on a chalkboard. Although, those nails did not belong to the girl.

He was at last near her, close to her, a touch away. The screams were still there but surprisingly, they were not hers. Instead, she turned to him, smiling. It was the sweetest smile he had ever seen. He brought forth his hand. But the moment he touched her, she was gone, and a few moments later she was just wisps in a whirlpool of mist. Gone. 

The screams were still there, threatening to burst open his head if he dared to listen further. Save me! Lee! It was enough. He had had enough. Grinding his teeth in agony, he pushed away the sounds tormenting his thoughts. At last, an overwhelming flash of light caused him to lose his vision momentarily and then, he was wide awake. The cries of despair came to an abrupt end and he had snapped back to reality. He was perspiring so much that it appeared he had been swimming in a pool of sweat minutes ago. Calm down, he told himself and made his way to the bathroom to get ready to face the challenges yet another day was going to bring.


A mile or two from Lee's home, a silhouette lurked in the darkness of a large room. He was armed with a gun, a good old Glock, which was all ready to do tonight's job. The room he was in had many valuables, but there was only one which was his target. He traversed through the room in big, confident strides and was soon looking at his reflection in an old-fashioned mirror. 'Poor thing, your time has come,' he announced to the inanimate artefact and held the Glock, perfectly poised and steady, pointing directly to the centre of the mirror. 3...2...1...Shoot! One shot and the fragile object was in pieces.

The work was done. He slipped something off his finger. A ring. He dropped it halfway on his way back and exited the building. Someone was in for a surprise the next day.

 Someone was in for a surprise the next day

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