27 | Shaken

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Chapter 27: Shaken

Sargeant Clark freed Morris and offered to ride him home

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Sargeant Clark freed Morris and offered to ride him home. He apologized for the confusion on the part of the police department. Morris was angry, but he understood. A drive home was a small price to pay for such a big misunderstanding.

Now that Morris was safely out of the picture, they could return their attention to the pursuit of Victoria's gang. 

They had her real name now. Sanchez had decided to take a major step while Clark was gone. He had tried to contact the Interpol for information about Victoria's drug ring from their criminal database. No sooner had the Chief heard of this, he came to Sanchez. 'You did what?' he reprimanded. 'I was told you called New York and the Interpol. Just what are you trying to do?'

His answer was ready. 'Chief, I thought you had allowed us to pursue the investigation," Sanchez replied calmly. 'I didn't realize we weren't supposed to use our contacts to our advantage and chase the criminals without any knowledge of their backgrounds or their criminal record. Isn't that what you call a wild goose chase?' His voice had an air of cool confidence which seemed to somehow unnerve Chief Dillard. 

'I see, you've decided to do what you please. Just keep one thing in mind: if anything goes out of hand, you go out of the job. I'll take care of that.' A wave of utmost dislike passed instantly through Sanchez.

When the Chief left and Clark returned, they returned to the job of scouring past files and folders for any records of anyone named Victoria Ricci or Kimberly Marlin or Ross Sanders or Luis Hunter. They had been unsuccessful so far. 'Something will come up,' both of them always kept saying to themselves.


The next day the reports from Interpol had come back. Nothing had been found on Sanders and Hunter. Not that they had expected much on them, most probably they were just local crooks in need of cash. Nothing had been found on the name Kimberly Marlin either. 

But there was a file on Victoria Ricci. Sanchez skimmed through the first few pages and flipped to the main Criminal Particulars, the important part. They read the well-organized typewritten text attentively:

 They read the well-organized typewritten text attentively:

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