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Now there are some questions, few of which you have asked, some I felt the answers of which should be known to you. So here it goes:

1 | Did Sanchez have any family?

A | He had one when he was young. But his mother died soon after his selection in the police. His father had disappeared earlier by inexplicable means, leaving the boy virtually orphaned.

2 | Why did Sanchez love reading so much?

A | As told in the story, Sanchez's mother had instilled the habit of reading in him when he was but a small child. He loved to read because of two reasons: one, he loved reading for the sake of reading; two, it was the only way of remembrance of his mother. He grew emotionally attached to books.

3 | Explain the chemistry between Sanchez and Victoria/Kimberly.

A | This has been mentioned in the story earlier. Leon Dillard, the Chief of Roxlow Police, was Victoria's father. Victoria had asked him to supply a policeman for staging her elaborate drama and he had unfortunately chosen Sanchez. Victoria had, by the help of her "womanly charms", managed to make Sanchez fall for her. Then after observing him for a long time, she and her team staged a false kidnapping and presented an impossible ransom. She never returned. By this time, she knew that he was an ardent reader and had a very sharp mind. She knew he was the one who could crack the mirror mystery. The couldn't have been more correct. You know the rest.

4 | Why did Sanchez dislike his job so much?

A | This is one of the basics. Sanchez disliked his job because he was ambitious. He wanted more adventurous cases. There weren't many in his small town. Moreover, one can also say that reading all those police stories had made his expectations high.

5 | Hey, but what about Ross Sanders' mother?

A | If you had read carefully, Victoria says something about the "old woman's acting skills". The "old woman" was a paid conwoman who played the role of Ross's mother and whose words threw suspicion upon Scott Morris. That is why Clark sees Sanders paying her when he goes tailing him.

6 | Was Victoria smart or stupid? She doesn't seem any one.

A | Actually, she was both. She was clever in a way (after all she was the mastermind of the whole setup), but that did not make her rational. She was a bit impulsive and didn't know how to manage emergency situations. This is the reason a single flaw in her plan, i.e, Sanchez's and Clark's discovery of the set-up, made everything come tumbling down upon her.

7 | Did Victoria really murder her father? Why would she ever do that?

A | She gave the orders, so, yeah. But it was someone else's idea. She felt that Leon Dillard had betrayed her, which was how Sanchez reached her (she never knew that Clark had followed Sanders and Hunter). She feared that Dillard was leading them to her. She grew tense, and Andino, who had never really liked her father (evidence in Victoria's POV: Dillard never really wanted that marriage to happen), suggested the murder. She, devoted to her husband as she was, thought it was better to finish him off. It was a grave mistake. But as told before, she wasn't rational. She lost her mind in all the tension. It was a hasty decision. And we all know, she was cold-hearted as hell.

8 | Why was Sanchez so respectful towards Leon Dillard in the end? Why, when he was treated so badly by him?

A | As told before, Sanchez was all alone. He hadn't any family. Leon Dillard's gesture of recommending his name to the FBI was one act of affection like which he hadn't experienced in years. And Leon's death increased the remorse Sanchez felt. It was only natural for Sanchez to pay him his last respects.

9 | How guilty was Scott Morris?

A | A negligible amount, to be honest. But he had nothing that would have landed him in jail. The mirror artifact, although one of his favorites, would have given him a good amount from insurance to save his dwindling business. He had been set up by Sanders.

10 | Okay, all of that's all right. But arty_enigma, you tell me, why did you take ages to write?

A | Don't kill me for that, I'm sorry! You know, as I've told a hundred times before, publishing the first chapter of this book was a hasty decision. I was so overcome with enthusiasm that I didn't care about the up and coming chapters. All I knew was that someone would crack the mirror mystery, and that was all. I had no idea more than you all when you started reading that how it was gonna end, what would be the main conflict, who would be the obstructing force, nothing at all. I didn't even know who was going to be the villain! Then after the first few chapters, everything started going downhill. Without any clear idea of the story, I didn't feel like writing anymore. So I stopped. I didn't care. But when one of my Wattpad friends told me that she had started writing a book of her own, something in me jumped up and I got ready to start afresh. I jotted down the remaining part of the plot in bullet points, complete with the notes in the margins and all, removing something from here, adding something there. And when everything was finally complete, I was genuinely pleased with the results. I had never imagined before that I would ever complete writing a full-fledged novella, but here I am. That is why, even though MMOTW is not the best, even though it may contain loopholes, even though it may not be the most fabulous display of writing, it will always remain close to my heart. ❤️

If you have any more question/s that you think should be answered, please comment them here. I'd be more than glad to post the answers.

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