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guccitae: help we are being exposed @/bunnyboi

bunnyboi: o shit

yesjams: lol our fans are so hilarious

yesjams: we all know jungkook likes me 😂😂

bunnyboi: ha no

sunshineangel: we all know vkook and stuff but I ship namjin :)

worldwidehandsome: oh hell no

highiq: hell naw to the naw naw

yesjams: bruh I somehow get shipped with everyone: jikook, vmin, and even yoonmin. like come on guys yoongi hates everyone including me

geniussuga: true dat

sunshineangel: wat is sope?

highiq: u mean soap right?

sunshineangel: nah, sope

geniussuga: oh dear lord

sunshineangel: oh I have a ship?? cool

worldwidehandsome: how dare these people ship us together?? that nasty

guccitae: idk but I lowkey love kookie ❤

bunnyboi: stop exposing yourself

yesjams is typing..

bunnyboi: its bromance jimin shut up

yesjams: I didn't say anything >:0

geniussuga: ew who are you people. just in the last chapter I was telling you guys that your gay

worldwidehandsome: huh

highiq: hold up a minute who TF u calling a gay

highiq: I'm straighter than a stick

worldwidehandsome: namjoon not all sticks are straight -_-

highiq: exactly

highiq: wait.

sunshineangel: LOL

guccitae: guys where does butter come from??

geniussuga: milk stupid

guccitae: ik but how does butter come from milk?????

yesjams: because

yesjams: wait how do you make butter??

highiq: you uh... wait how is butter made

geniussuga: ... hol up

worldwidehandsome: you idiots you have to churn it

guccitae: IK BUT HOW DOES BUTTER COME OUT OF IT????????????

worldwidehandsome: magic b

bunnyboi: today I learned that all of you are idiots. the end

a perfect family ; bts group chat fanficWhere stories live. Discover now