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highiq: let's go do something guys I am bored

geniussuga: no

highiq: why not?

geniussuga: does it include sleeping?

highiq: depends on what we do

sunshineangel: I agree with namjoon, I am hella bored

worldwidehandsome: let's go to the Bahamas

geniussuga: that is not in our budget

worldwidehandsome: we have a budget???

sunshineangel: let's go camping! we can play truth or dare at the camp fire and sing the camp fire song

highiq: sounds good

worldwidehandsome: eh sure

geniussuga: since it includes sleeping I'm fine with going it

highiq: ok it is settled! we can go on Friday since today is Wednesday

bunnyboi: yay camping

yesjams: I call sleeping with Jungkook

bunnyboi: nvm I'm staying home

highiq: you don't have a choice. you are going to come with us :)))

sunshineangel: where have you guys been btw?

yesjams: we went out for some Starbucks

sunshineangel: oh cool

yesjams: next time tho I'm not going

guccitae: I thought you had fun ;(

yesjams: you and kookie was all over each other >;(

yesjams: why am I so underappreciated in here *wipes away tears*

sunshineangel: it's ok jiminie I love you and your extra ass

yesjams: I know you are not calling me extra

guccitae: GUYS




highiq: so are you going to say something or..?

guccitae: don't you hear how peaceful it is when we aren't fighting?

geniussuga: all I hear is tumbleweed and crickets tf u mean

bunnyboi: so about that camping trip?

worldwidehandsome: don't worry guys I already got us a camping spot

highiq: wow thanks


yesjams: do you guys see what I mean when I say he is extra

bunnyboi: that's nice dear :))

highiq: ok let's go pack because I want some good rest before the trip

highiq: good night guys

worldwidehandsome: gn

sunshineangel: gn

guccitae: gn

geniussuga: gn

yesjams: good night


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