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"Hello welcome to the maknae diaries, I'm Taehyung and-"

"Tae what the fu-" Jungkook began but Jimin slapped his mouth. "OW!"

"Remember what Hobi said?" Jimin crossed his arms. "No cursing."

Yes, this was the beginning of their journey into the wild. Yes, Jin may be crazy, but it was for a good cause.

"But anyway, welcome to our first day in the woods." Taehyung signaled to the trees as a crow screamed in the distance. Jimin shuddered.

"Who are you talking to anyway?"


"Uh.. right."

Jungkook stood on a rock and looked around.

"What is this, the hunger games? Aish.." He 'tsked' a few times and hopped down. "This is a boot camp?"

This most definitely was not. They were dropped off into the nearest forest with a blanket. Not even food. Jimin shrugged wrapping himself in the thin comforter. It was still winter.

"Well we should get going," he said.

"Where?" Taehyung asked, but Jimin was already walking away. Jungkook and Tae exchanged glances and followed behind deeper into the woods.


"Can we stop," Taehyung whined for the 100th time. They have been walking for about forty-five minutes and he was already tired. Where they were going, no one knew.

"Fine," Jimin set the blanket on the floor for the maknaes to sit on. "You baby."

Jungkook plopped down and pushed his hair back. "So what now? We're basically homeless for the next six days."

"Honestly what were they thinking," Jimin crossed his arms sitting on a nearby rock. Taehyung was talking to some animal or something.

"Tae, what the hell are you doing?" Jungkook questioned.

Taehyung turned around with a small bird in his hands. "Look guys!"

Despite their situation, the three boys marveled at the bird.

"Whoaa," Jungkook took the bird from Taehyung. "Let's eat it!" Hearing this the bird flew away quickly.

"Good job, Jungkook," Jimin slapped the back of his head.

"Ow! I was just hungry." Jungkook rubbed the back of his head. This was the second time he got hit today.

"I got an idea!" Tae jumped up. "I saw a small river around here." He began to walk in the direction of the river. Jungkook followed him while Jimin stayed behind.

a perfect family ; bts group chat fanficWhere stories live. Discover now