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sunshineangel: listen yoongi, ur kinda a butthole

geniussuga: I know

sunshineangel: and u most likely don't care about our well being

geniussuga: yup

sunshineangel: so I think it's time for a change

geniussuga: no

sunshineangel: hear me out bruh

sunshineangel: u need to be nicer and considerate

geniussuga: I am

sunshineangel: u just admitted that ur a-

sunshineangel: nevermind.. first lesson! being nice

geniussuga: I never agreed-

sunshineangel: let's say tae wants an ice cream

guccitae: I do?

geniussuga: idk what he wants from me cuz I don't have any

guccitae: well I do really like ice cream

sunshineangel: go buy him some ice cream yoongi

geniussuga: no bich

guccitae: what whyy????

geniussuga: bc fuk u that's why

guccitae: wh- why?? U MEANIE

sunshineangel: YOONGI

sunshineangel: bro what is ur problem

sunshineangel: look now he's crying

geniussuga: not my problem

sunshineangel: technically it is

geniussuga: well idk what u all want from me. I'm not going to pity u guys because ur feelings have been hurt

yesjams *crying*: yoongi hyung the haters said I was ugly

geniussuga: bich where they at

*holds hands with jimin and leaves*

sunshineangel: what the fu-

sunshineangel: come on tae let's go get ice cream

highiq: what the actual fuk did I just witness?

bunnyboi: I honestly don't know

worldwidehandsome: u know what I knew?

worldwidehandsome: yoongi is gay

worldwidehandsome: give me my money ho

highiq: ugh ok

bunnyboi: hold up, y'all bet on this??

worldwidehandsome: of course

highiq: just like how we bet on u and tae being a thing

bunnyboi: oh..

bunnyboi: wait-

lmao tried something a bit new for this chapter uwu

hope u enjoyed

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