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sunshineangel: so I got into a drug dealing business

guccitae: can I get sum

highiq: wow hobi

highiq: I never expected u to be a drug dealer

sunshineangel: ye but I may be in trouble with the police

worldwidehandsome: nibba

worldwidehandsome: you know what I expected this

worldwidehandsome: now we're going to jail cuz of ur dumbass

geniussuga: I am actually disappointed

yesjams: aren't you always?

geniussuga: true dat

bunnyboi: y'all who invited the police

sunshineangel: o shet

sunshineangel: I'm too young to go to jail 😢

highiq: shoulda though better when u decided to sell drugs

worldwidehandsome: I'm turning u in

worldwidehandsome: I know we're friends and all but ur kinda annoying

guccitae: so what drugs u selling

bunnyboi: guys I'm not about to leave the police outside

yesjams: hold up

yesjams: what u need drugs for tae??

sunshineangel: you know I sell the usual

sunshineangel: smarties, pixie stix, ect.

bunnyboi: omfg

bunnyboi: actually I'm turning you in too dumb as rocks

sunshineangel: NOOOOOOOO

geniussuga: mah dudes just tell the police it was a misunderstanding

worldwidehandsome: and where are u?

geniussuga: I'm in my bed duh

sunshineangel: it's ok the police are gone now

yesjams: so kids what did we learn today

guccitae: don't do school stay in drugs

bunnyboi: no dumbo

bunnyboi: don't act like hobi and dont sell drugs 👌

highiq: I sometimes wonder why I'm the leader of u uglies

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