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beautifulshoulders: alright children time for a feild trip

chilipeppers:  oh gosh please don't be like the camping trip

beautifulshoulders: why of course not

sugar: so what are we doing?

beautifulshoulders: well I've been thinking, and I was like "I'm tired of these maknaes"

beautifulshoulders: so I decided I'm sending them off into a wilderness boot camp

kookie: WHAT

supreeem: not a chance brother

chilipeppers: umm what I'm not a maknae??

leaderjoon: ha why u lying

leaderjoon:  but fr jin, what are u thinking? they wouldn't last a day out there

beautifulshoulders: oh you'll thank me when those rats leave and we can be in peace

hobi: whoa whoa whoa I actually like the maknaes

beautifulshoulders: you can leave with them

chilipeppers: ha what is this the hunger games? there is no way in hell am I going to spend time in the fwacking WOODS

leaderjoon: I think it will help you guys learn to bond, actually

kookie: ew says you. we all know the real snakes are in the hyung line

sugar: by snakes I hope you mean jin or you'll be seeing a real one soon

supreeem: so uh when do we leave? and how long

beautifulshoulders: you leave today

beautifulshoulders: for a week

kookie: WHAT

hobi: I just asked and our manager said it's true

hobi: but I don't have to go hahahaha y'all suck 😝😝

supreeem: and so that was the start of the maknaes journey. will we survive? probably not, only time will tell. tune in next time on a perfect family bts

beautifulshoulders: ...

leaderjoon: what

hobi: yeah I think this will help

sugar: yup

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