7 pt.2

904 37 32

welp here I go trying to write  ;-;

The boys hopped out of the car one by one.

"Well, here we are," Jin said pulling out a map of the campsite. The members ooh'ed and ahh'ed at the sight.

"Good job Jin," Tae clapped in approval.

"Pretty sure this wasn't in the budget," Jin slapped Namjoon's head. "OW." No one really heard him. They were already on their way for their luggage. After, they went to assigned cabins.

"Come on Yoongs," Hoseok practically screamed. Yoongi sighed and looked back at the van. He should've stayed home. Hoseok, on the other hand, dragged Yoongi with him to their cabin.


worldwidehandsome: so did everyone find their right cabins?

bunnyboi: do i seriously have to share a bed with those two

worldwidehandsome: yes and if you guys fight i will beat each of your asses

worldwidehandsome: including you yoongi

geniussuga: can i please go home

geniussuga: hoseok is singing and jumping around i think he is possessed


highiq: boohoo we suddenly care for what you think yoongi

highiq: we all came here without choice so stop complaining

guccitae: so when do we get to eat?

worldwidehandsome: actually im going to start cooking right now, you guys can go wait by the campfire in the meantime


"Okay since we are here..." Hoseok glanced around the circle.

"NO," Yoongi told him.


"Please no campfire song."

Hoseok sighed in defeat.

"How about we play truth or dare?" Jimin suggested.

"I mean yeah if we were little kids," Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"Stop being moody, we're playing truth or dare." Namjoon and Yoongi both groaned.

"I'll start!" Hoseok jumped up from his seat. "Hmm... Yoongi!" All eyes were on Yoongi now. 

"Truth... or... DARE?????"

"Truth," Yoongi answered.

"Dang it. Well, is it true you like someone and if so who???" Hoseok smiled mischievously.

"Um, not you if that's what you were hoping. I don't like anyone at the moment."

"Gosh you're so boring," Jimin said receiving a glare. "How about you cant pick any truths anymore."

"OKAY, MY TURN!" Tae happily said smiling. "Kookie!" Everyone looked at Jungkook. He was fast asleep.

"Someone wake this boy up," Namjoon taps Jungkook's shoulder.

"CAN I??" Hoseok jumped up and down. Yoongi flicked his head. "OW! Why did you do that??"

"I know how to wake him up," Jimin walked over to Jungkook and hovered over him. "A kiss." Yoongi flicked his head too. "I was just kidding." Jimin said rubbing his head on his way back to his seat.

"Maybe we should just let him sleep," Taehyung scooted next to Jungkook. He placed his head in his lap. "Okay, let's continue the game."

"Wait so tell me why Tae is allowed to hug and kiss Jungkook but I'm not??" Jimin asked.

"Because we actually ship Vkook," Hoseok gave him a 'duh' look.

"Food is ready!" Jin said coming out of the kitchen with some *insert food name* "Someone wake up Kookie."


The rest of the night ended with games eating and some more family fun. Then everyone went to bed in their cabin, and yes, Namjoon was forced to sleep on the floor

this probably has a lot of typos and im never writing again for a book like this lol

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