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guccitae: yall

guccitae: I

guccitae: so

guccitae: happy

guccitae: right

guccitae: now

sunshineangel: that's nice

yesjams: who stole the milk

worldwidehandsome: whomst the fucc would steal milk

yesjams: then where's the milk

bunnyboi: use ur dense brain for once and look in the trash

yesjams: o wait lol

guccitae: so no one is going to ask why I'm happy?

sunshineangel: I would but I'm too busy dancing

worldwidehandsome: I honestly don't care

bunnyboi: y r u happy

guccitae: thank you Jungkook

guccitae: I'm happy today because it's Saturday!

bunnyboi: u have officially wasted my time

guccitae: :"(

highiq: what are u celebrating for we have practice today

geniussuga: I'm sick

highiq: since when

geniussuga: since now

sunshineangel: is that y I heard a dying giraffe this morning?

geniussuga: what do u think

worldwidehandsome: oh we're so concerned

worldwidehandsome: stop lying and get ur lazy butt out of bed

geniussuga: wtf

geniussuga: u think I'm playing games

bunnyboi: can we just do our job?

bunnyboi: 9 chapters and we've done nothing productive

bunnyboi: we have fans if anyone forgot

sunshineangel: why do think I'm dancing bich

guccitae: yeah we really slack off most of the time

highiq: look who's talking

yesjams: no need to fight kids

worldwidehandsome: who are u calling a kid youngster

bunnyboi: omfg can we just go to practice

highiq: ok then

sunshineangel: good I was getting lonely in here (:

geniussuga: I. AM. SICK.

bunnyboi: I will beat ur old ass if u don't get here now I'm not playing

yesjams: o frick

guccitae: yes sir

geniussuga: om

geniussuga: ok then

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