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highiq: well guys it's time we tell you something

worldwidehandsome: yes

yesjams: y'all dating???

highiq: fuck no

geniussuga: the chances are 50/50

geniussuga: but what we want to say is we are leaving you maknaes and going to the Bahamas for a while

sunshineangel: YEAAAAA 😁😁

guccitae: WHAT

bunnyboi: WHAT

yesjams: WHAT

worldwidehandsome: we need a break from you annoying kids

guccitae: that's mean

highiq: well, if the house is burnt down by the time we get home

geniussuga: I'll beat y'all asses

bunnyboi: don't worry gyungs I'll take care of everything

yesjams: WHY CANT I COME

sunshineangel: no one likes you duh 😒

yesjams: the words I hear from you guys all the time smh

guccitae: it's ok jiminie, I still love you uwu

worldwidehandsome: looks like you guys can handle yourselves

highiq: yep BYE

bunnyboi: Jesus take the wheel

guccitae: ok so now that they are gone what y'all wanna do

yesjams: hit chu wit dat

bunnyboi: ha no

guccitae: guys

yesjams: what b

guccitae: wanna watch a movie? I'm bored

bunnyboi: ok

yesjams: ok what movie

bunnyboi: HORROR

yesjams: oh

yesjams: are

yesjams: are you sure?

guccitae: ye unless u scared

yesjams: uhhh no I'm a man

bunnyboi: ok come downstairs I'll get some snacks

bunnyboi: what do you guys want?

yesjams: I want my hyungs

guccitae: lol that's not a snack

guccitae: get some chips n soda I guess

bunnyboi: ok

and so they watch *insert scary movie name*

   "Is it too late to pick a different movie?" Jimin asked huddled between Jungkook and Taehyung. He was terrified of scary movies.

   "Yup," Tae said eating popcorn. The movie had just started and Jimin was already done. He wrapped himself up in blankets for protection. From what, he didn't know. He bit his lip and braced himself for what was to come. Jungkook and Tae just watched in excitement.

   It was a while before the really scary things started happening. The killer [uhh non child friendly oops]. Jimin sqeaked and hid under the blankets. Jungkook laughed.

   "Did you just sqeak? Come on it's not even scary." Jimin just shook still hiding under the blanket. His face and ears turned red from embarrassment but that was the least of his problems. He stayed under the blanket for the rest of the movie hearing screams and things crashing. Oh how he hated scary movies.

   Soon the movie was over. Taehyung yawned.

   "Well, I'm off to bed," he said getting up. "We can clean this mess up later." Jungkook nodded. He shook Jimin, who was still hiding.

   "KILLER!" Jimin screamed slapping Jungkook's hand away.

   "Ummm," Jungkook rubbed his hand. "Ok? Good night hyung."

   "Don't let the killer get you Jiminie," Taehyung said snickering. And the two left Jimin there. The only light was the one in the living room where he was. He glanced to the left then the right. Then to the windows if anyone was watching him. Suddenly he heard a little scritch noise. He jumped up and ran to his room shutting the door quickly.

   Hiding under his blankets, he tried to sing himself to sleep. He was almost calm when thunder cracked. He whimpered hugging himself tightly while he shook with fear. His heart pounded in his chest. I can't sleep here. He thought getting up and making his way to Taehyung's room.

   Tae was snoring peacefully in his bed. Jimin poked his head in.

   "Tae?" He whispered. When he didn't get an answer he sighed and made his way to Jungkook's room.

   He opened the door. Jungkook was breathing softly while he slept.

   "Jungkook?" Jimin whispered.

   "Hm?" The maknae stirred in his sleep. Jimin walked towards his bed.

   "I'm scared can I sleep here?"

   "Mm.... sure.... whatever.." Jungkook was still half asleep. Jimin brightened up before climing into Jungkook's bed next to him. He faced his back for a while before hugging Jungkook from behind.

cough cough a filler chapter? Uhhh I think I improved my writing lol
Idk where the idea from this came from I just write and keep writing until I'm satisfied. This might have a part 2? I hope you enjoyed tho

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