7 pt.1

961 44 19

worldwidehandsome: ok we have the sleeping arrangements for today

sunshineangel: ok let's hear it

worldwidehandsome: ok cabin 1: namjoon and me, cabin 2: hoseok and yoongi, cabin 3: maknaes

geniussuga: oh hell no not hoseok please

sunshineangel: YAY 💙💟💛💛💜❤💚💙💟💚💜💝💝💝❤💝💖💖💕💕💘

highiq: my eyes

yesjams: y do the we have to sleep together? -.-

guccitae: it's the best of both worlds :)

yesjams: wdym "best of both worlds"?

guccitae: :)

worldwidehandsome: I don't care if you guys rip each other's throats out I just want some beauty sleep

worldwidehandsome: which is why namjoon is sleeping on the floor :))

highiq: bitch

bunnyboi: I just woke up what happened?

bunnyboi: r u serious -.-

sunshineangel: what?

bunnyboi: those sleeping arrangements

sunshineangel: it's ok Jungkook we all know you are gay for tae and jiminie 😊

yesjams: I kNeW iT


bunnyboi: om no

highiq: well you guys have better packed because the van is supposed to come in... 10 minutes

geniussuga: no one told us to pack

highiq: better get to it then or we leave you behind

yesjams: well I'm not going to miss out on this so imma go rq

****time skip****

highiq: aren't y'all excited????

geniussuga: y are u texting we are literally all in the same van 2 ft away from each other

sunshineangel: why yes I am excited

yesjams: aw look at Jungkook sleeping

worldwidehandsome: why this bitch already sleeping we just got into the car tf

guccitae: he was probably watching Dora again and got 5 minutes of sleep

yesjams: that's not what I heard last night

highiq: what did you hear

yesjams: idk blues clues?

worldwidehandsome: idc what he was watching hoseok wake him up



guccitae: lol my ears are ringing

sunshineangel: just doing my job 😄

bunnyboi: what the frik was that for

bunnyboi: I was enjoying that dream

yesjams: what was it about

bunnyboi: you all shut up for once 😒

worldwidehandsome: well your awake and I don't care and we are also here

highiq: already?

worldwidehandsome: yup get out of the car guys

A/n :

Ok so um the next chapter will have some writing  because obviously the can't text their whole lives so don't kill me if it sucks

Thank you for reading this chapter

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