432 18 6

chillipeppers: love is in the air

kookie: wrong month jimin

chillipeppers: darn it

supreeem: anyone seen Jin

hobi: or namjoon?

chillipeppers: idk and idc

sugar: y'all heard Jin's loud ass laugh just now?

sugar: like dang people can't even sleep in a house

chillipeppers: correction, hotel

kookie: oh ye we still on tour

kookie: fuxk

beautifulshoulders: hew watch that mouth young man

sugar: explain why you were with namjoon first

leaderjoon: uhhh

supreeem: that gay shet

kookie: you can't be talking tae

supreeem: neither can you


supreeem: xxx

supreeem: 😢

sugar: bro um

hobi: so anyone have plans for the rest of the day?

leaderjoon: I thought we had a stage today..?

kookie: dam u rite

beautifulshoulders: what did I just say

kookie: and I thought I told you to stop treating me like a kid

hobi: honey you got a big storm coming

chillipeppers: wait hur?

chillipeppers: huh*

supreeem: this is irrelevant but, how do you get hur out of huh?

leaderjoon: stfu all of you

leaderjoon: we have stuff to prepare for so I suggest y'all get your act together and go practice

kookie: ok but what I want you to do is get out of Jin's room

hobi: 🙊🙊

chillipeppers: for once I'm not made fun of?????

hobi: nah honey it's just not your turn yet☕

supreeem: ok like but our new hair colors tho

supreeem: I be lookin HOT

chillipeppers: ikr

beautifulshoulders: OMG SHUT UP AND GO BE PRODUCTIVE

OOF SORRY THIS IS ALL OVER THE PLACE. This chapter was pretty rushed as you can tell ;;

I promise as I was writing this, I got a helka good idea ok??

Stay tuned

a perfect family ; bts group chat fanficWhere stories live. Discover now