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a few days later...

chilipeppers: you know what guys?

chilipeppers: maybe i overreacted

leaderjoon: really?

beautifulshoulders: wow this isn't something u hear everyday

sugar: nah

kookie: you're not fine and that's ok

chilipeppers:  what

hobi: bro quit playing

supreeem: jimin

supreeem: we are sorry

beautifulshoulders: good thing tae said it, I don't think I could have

leaderjoon: jin.

beautifulshoulders: ok ok i was joking chill

sugar: listen, jimin, we haven't been the best of people to you

chilipeppers: guys it's ok, really

kookie: no it's not ok

kookie: we are a group, not enemies

hobi: yeah, it's not fair how childish we've been acting

beautifulshoulders: believe it or not, I care about people other than myself

leaderjoon: right, as the others were saying, we just wanted to say that we are truly sorry

supreeem: mhm, this joking has gone too far

leaderjoon: we gotta stick together like a family

sugar: I know I don't say this normally but,, i jsbsnsslove all of you

chilipeppers: ...

chilipeppers: wow.. I really feel special right now

kookie: don't start crying that's extra

hobi: jungkook you're crying right now

kookie: no I'm not

supreeem: aww my heart is going 💘💝💞💖💞💘💞💜💝💞💝💞💟💖💗

chilipeppers: thanks guys I really do appreciate this

leaderjoon: you know what? let's go out to eat to celebrate

beautifulshoulders: ayeee

sugar: I was getting hungry ngl

hobi: yayy

supreeem: what food are we eating?

kookie: I don't care as long as I get food

chilipeppers: i don't care as long as I with you guys :D

soobin: and that was the story of how bts had a group chat

taehyun: I'm not crying, u are

kai: u big baby

yeonjun: hey, what did we just learn from this experience?

kai: uhhh idk actually

beomgyu: love your family?

yeonjun: close enough I guess

soobin: what matters is that jimin finally got the happy ending he deserved

taehyun: wait is this really the end? nooo

beomgyu: I was kinda getting used to being around here

kai: ye, I'll miss this thing

yeonjun: what? what thing? what end? am I missing something

taehyun: omg ur slow

yeonjun: dang ok I see

soobin: I'm sure this isn't the end, right?

kai: u tell me

beomgyu: omg kai shut up

kai: I know u are not telling me to shut up after saying to love your family

beomgyu: what family? this is me myself and I

soobin: guys chill-

chilipeppers: children.

taehyun: omg!!

yeonjun: :0

chilipeppers: you guys don't need to fight, you don't need to be rude to each other. I know deep down you all love each other. don't waste your time holding grudges and just enjoy your time together

chilipeppers: also love yourself cough cough

chilipeppers: but honestly I forgot y'all were here, sorry u had to see that side of BTS

yeonjun: it's ok, not everyone is perfect

kai: thank u for the advice

soobin: I am moved greatly

chilipeppers: alright, I gotta go now, remember what I said

ack i almost didn't post this cuz I'm l.a.z.y sorry :(((

but hey I hope you enjoyed? I'm kinda sad that this book is coming to a close, I'll miss it. any other book suggestions? I'm open to anything :D

also imma go back and revise older chapters because the cringe in it is too much. i wanna say that i have improved as a writer along the way but I honestly don't know

see ya til next time

a perfect family ; bts group chat fanficWhere stories live. Discover now