Asking for Repetition

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Digunakan jika kita tidak atau kurang mendengar lawan bicara ketika sedang berbicara dengan kita.

Asking for repetition :
*What do you say?
*What did  you say?
*Say again, please!
*Can you repeat again?
*Sorry, I can't hear you.

Example dialogue about repetition :
Dina and Bimo is classmates. They are speaking on the phone...

Dina : "Bimo, don't forget to doing lot of homeworks together for tomorrow."

Bimo : "Sorry, I can't hear you, because the signal has error."

Dina : "Ok, I'll say again. Don't forget to doing homeworks for tomorrow."

Bimo : "Ok, I Will."

JAGO BAHASA INGGRIS BERSAMA Miss ZulfachTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang