Chapter 1 - Note Passing

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DISCLAIMER: All characters and places belong to Lemony Snicket/Daniel Handler! If they belonged to me I wouldn't be writing this.

Klaus Baudelaire. Those words keep popping into my head. I cannot get them out, and as soon as I think them, I start seeing mental images of two very bright green eyes. Those same eyes, those same words, keep appearing in every dream and thought I have, but I don't mind at all. I want them there, and I don't ever want them to go away, ever.

For months, I somehow managed to survive the torture chamber that is Prufrock Preparatory School, though I was merely surviving, not living. What with Carmelita's constant chants of "Cake-sniffing orphans in the orphan's shack! Cake-sniffing orphans in the orphan's shack!" all day long, rulers being flung at my head every 5 seconds by another wicked classmate, and Mrs Bass' endless shrieks about the metric system, my life had no meaning or purpose anymore. I didn't even know what joy felt like anymore, and the only person who knew exactly how I felt was my triplet brother Duncan. When we kindly asked Vice Principal Nero if we could see a child councillor or something like that, he laughed as though our whole lives were one hilarious joke.
When I heard we were moving into a broom closet, I became slightly happier than I was, but when I stepped into it, I realized it wasn't much better than the orphan shack, but I still had hope the new set of orphans would be kind to us. But they weren't kind. They were so much better than that, and I became very close friends with all three of them, Violet, Klaus and Sunny, very quickly. Duncan is close with them too, but I think he has a little something for Violet, if I do say so myself. I suppose I should go back a bit, to when I first started liking Klaus as more than a friend. Much more.

I had been quite ill lately, and no matter how much Duncan and Klaus did to convince me to stay in the broom closet, I went out anyways, determined not to miss a day of meaningless measurements, as I knew Mrs Bass would scream if I didn't know something the following day. I was starting to doubt my decision, as she had sent 4 glares my way now, I just couldn't stop sneezing and coughing. I was rubbing the back of my head, yet another ruler had whacked it, a piece of paper stuck to it. Like all the others, it read "Cake-sniffing orphan!", except this one also said "Stop sneezing cake-sniffer!" I was immune to these messages now, so I just tossed the ruler back to the floor and sneezed yet again. I turned my head to my left, and saw a highly frustrated Klaus, turning angrily to the boy behind him. The boy just snickered in his face, and I saw him mouth "Cake-sniffing orphan!" at him. Klaus sighed, as I realized I'd been staring at him with my head on my palm like a creep for about 3 and a half minutes.

A few moments later, I felt a lovely warm feeling on my thigh. I quickly looked down, and saw Klaus looking dead forward, but his hand holding a small scrap of paper for me to take. I took it from his hand, and opened it on my skirt, making sure to look like I was measuring whatever it was on my desk.

"Isadora! I told you to stay in the broom closet!" 

was scrawled on the paper, and I noticed some of the letters went through the next line. That's how I knew something was bothering Klaus, his handwriting is always perfect and neat. I was quick to write back.

  "I'm fine, I swear! What just happened with him?"

I scribbled, handing the note back, my fingers lingering on his thigh for a moment longer than necessary. I looked up at his face, his bright green eyes glittering with the bright sunlight shining through the shattered windows. His forehead was crinkled deeply, making me blush. He was so cute when he was concentrating on something. He was quick to write back.

  "He keeps throwing things at you. It's annoying me!".

I blushed a bit. He was thinking about me? He got worked up over me? The mere thought makes my insides go all mushy.

This new mushy feeling inspired me to write some couplets, but not one or even a few as I usually did. Then it hit me. Oh my goodness. I was in love with Klaus Baudelaire. His shimmering emerald eyes, his messy dark brown hair, his ever strong love of reading, the way he liked to critique my latest poems, the way he defended me from Carmelita and her cronies...I loved everything about him. I took my black notebook from my blazer pocket and wrote the first thing that came to my head. The only things I ever wrote in this notebook were Mrs Bass' meaningless measurements and couplets, it was a gift from my parents after all. They would want me focusing on schoolwork (No matter how pointless and stupid) and doing what I do best, but I just couldn't stop myself from writing and drawing what I did. I opened to a fresh page and wrote the letters "K.B+I.Q" in a heart in the middle of the page, then lots of mini hearts surrounding it.  

The ancient bell rang, causing me to jolt suddenly. I shut my notebook and pushed it into my blazer pocket, grabbing my leather bag and rushing out the crumbling classroom. I didn't wait for Klaus as I always did. I couldn't tell anyone I like Klaus romantically. Violet would start fangirling and tell Duncan, Duncan would get super protective and probably tell Klaus to back off angrily, even though he hasn't done anything, and Sunny would just be a bit confused. I can always tell my commonplace book...

(Okay, so this was probably awful! I read a lot of Kladora, Dunclet and Quiglet fics, but I never thought I'd post or ever write one! If you liked this or hated it please review so I can improve! Thanks for reading!)

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