Chapter 4 - Memories and Photographs

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I woke up to a bright ray of sunlight hit my eyes, as I moved to turn out of bed, but froze, remembering I was back in the orphan's shack. With the Baudelaires. With Klaus. I tried to sit up, but a strong yet gentle grip on my waist held me down. I snapped my eyes shut, the only thought in my head was "Count Olaf has got me, Count Olaf has got me!" but when I opened my eyes a fraction, I saw a maroon red blazer stretched over my waist, wrapping around my back and over my front, holding me close to a warm body. My heart started beating rapidly, as I opened my eyes all the way. Klaus was right next to me, messy brown hair, slightly slack tie, crooked glasses and all. He hadn't ever taken his glasses off, they were perched halfway down his nose as he breathed in a gentle rhythm. Somehow he was even cuter than he was yesterday...then I realized why I was so close to him. My head was a mere few inches away from his side, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist, pulling me closer to him. His left hand was draped across his chest and was holding mine, our cold fingers intertwining. How on Earth had this happened? I don't remember doing this! My eyes drifted to his pink lips. I wish I could kiss them...maybe one day I could.

Klaus began to stir, so I panicked, climbing out of his arms without him noticing I had ever been in them. Duncan and Violet weren't in the shack, but Sunny was, sleeping soundly in the corner under my blazer. I took my second uniform and went to the bathroom, changing into it and returning to the shack, where Sunny was now in Klaus' arms, his bag over his shoulder.

"Morning Isadora! How'd you sleep last night?" he said, trying to be cheerful, but I could tell he was ready to collapse from all the S.O.R.E. I would give anything to save Klaus from this torture.

"Okay I suppose. Klaus you look exhausted, please just stay in the shack today and rest, Violet too." I said, pleading with him not to torture himself in Mrs Bass' class.

"Bomee!" Sunny squealed, as I turned to her.

"And of course you as well cutie!" I said, making her giggle.

"You can understand Sunny's language?" Klaus said, looking impressed.

"I've always been able to understand babies actually. Duncan and, Q-Quigley were utterly hopeless." I laughed to myself, not realizing how I was blushing lightly.

"I know it upsets you a lot, I know the feeling, you remember your parents ever mentioning us before the fire?" he asked, walking Sunny to the administrative building. I looked up at him quizzically, small amounts of water filling my eyes.

"I-I vaguely remember something about you...I don't even think I was one. Just my father saying the Baudelaires had a son. It might just be some weird dream or something but I'm sure he said that." I said, walking away from Sunny and Nero to Mrs Bass' room.

"'s just, I remember a picture of you Izzie. A long time ago. Your brothers and parents were in the picture too, it used to sit on my parents windowsill. I always asked who you were specifically, but my parents seemed to avoid the question. I assume it had something to do with the secrets they were keeping from us." he explained, his eyes seeming unable to break their contact with mine.

"Klaus, can I ask you something?" I asked, the tight ball of anxiousness growing in my chest.

"Of course. Ask whatever you want." he said, smiling softly.

"Why did you look at my picture specifically? And why do you only call me Izzie when our siblings aren't around?" I asked, looking up at him and seeing...blush appearing on his cheeks?! No, must have been a trick of the light.

"I-I, no reason! And, this is gonna sound weird but I like calling you Izzie as my nickname for know?" he said, looking away from my eyes.

"That isn't weird at all Klaus. Come on, more meaningless measurements!" I said sarcastically, sitting down in my frozen chair, Klaus doing the same.

"I'm so tired..." he whispered, as a pop quiz was handed out.

I couldn't help thinking...did he ask about me specifically because he thought I was pretty? Does he think I'm pretty?

(A/N: Thanks so much for all the comments, reads and votes on this story! It really motivates me to write more!)

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