Chapter 7 - Auctions and Escapes

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We pulled apart, breathless and blushing furiously. Duncan was still asleep, but he was tossing over the floor we'd covered in blazers and jumpers, murmuring "Violet...Violet I love you..." in his sleep. Klaus and I snickered, looking up into the blackness and leaning against each other.
"We'll get out of here Izzie. I promise you..." he whispered, planting a kiss on my head.
"Klaus?" I whispered, looking up into his round green eyes, which still had their little sparkle in them.
"Yeah?" He whispered back.
"Are now?" I whispered, keeping my fingers crossed behind my back.
"Would you want to?" He asked, looking unsure.
"Would you?" I asked, still in disbelief that he even liked me that way. Maybe he just pitied me and didn't want me to feel worse than I already did in this terror.
"I...I've been dreaming of it since I met you. I really am in love with you you be my girlfriend?" He asked slowly, his voice full of sincerity.
"I'd been honoured..." I breathed, embracing him tightly. He held me back, his now cold strong arms around my back.
Loud grumbling and the sound of metal on metal echoed through the cage, jolting Duncan awake and making us cling to each other tighter. Duncan hastily moved closer to us and I clung to him too, as Count Olaf and his troupe threw the cage open and grabbed us, his cold hands clawing at me. I screamed and cried, fighting to get away, but in moments I was inside the salmon statue I'd heard them talking about. It was cold, slightly sticky and cramped. I tucked up into a ball, claustrophobia taking over me as I sobbed into the darkness. I didn't even know what to say think, I just couldn't stop all the thoughts flooding my mind. I opened my eyes for a moment, only to be met with more darkness and the pained faces of Klaus and Duncan. Klaus was kicking the wall, Duncan was trying to calm me down, but I just felt the whole world spinning, spinning too quickly. I fell to the floor, blacking out from fear and panic.
I woke up to the same cramped salmon, Klaus trying to wake me up, Duncan holding the completed spyglass and moving it in a  weird circular motion on  the inside of the statue. I had no idea what was happening, but Duncan pushed a huge hole out of the porcelain and jumped out. I tried to go too, but my legs weren't working. I could hear screams and gasps, we were at the auction. Count Olaf screamed out in obvious frustration and tried to grab Duncan, who was sprinting towards Violet and Sunny. The light from the room was stinging my eyes, but it didn't last long. Klaus was pushing my out but two pale cold hands pushed us both back in violently, their long black nails digging into my skin. I collapsed back into Klaus, who was almost out our prison himself. I screamed even more as one of the white faced women jumped in too.
"Stay where you are!" She snapped, both of us falling backward into each other as the fish moved forward hastily, we were being taken away again.
"No! No stop please!" I screamed, but the white faced woman slapped me, hard across my face. I cried harder, burying my face into Klaus' chest as he held me tightly. I looked up into his eyes, hoping he wouldn't be crying too. I needed his strength to stay sane, but his eyes were filled with anger. I'd never seen violence in his eyes before, but I could tell he wanted to slap that woman as hard as he could. I threw my arms around his neck, and I could feel him lose all the tension and violence. I stopped crying, but I still stayed in Klaus' arms. He didn't let me go when the statue was smashed, the woman left and we were stuffed once again into the truck of Olaf's car. We stayed silent, and through the bullet holes we saw the city fading away, leaving Duncan, Violet and Sunny with it.
Klaus and I didn't say anything to each other for the entire bumpy ride. We just clung to each other, praying wherever we went next would be safe. Calm. That our siblings would be there and somebody would rescue us. I'm not sure how, we didn't say a word to each other, but I knew we'd bonded in that cage, in the fish and now in the boot of a homocidal maniacs destroyed car. Our fingers we're helplessly tangled in each other's hair, my head tucked under his chin. We both sighed deeply, but his hand moved under my chin, turning me so I was a very small distance from his lips. I grabbed his collar with both of my hands, pulling him just that little bit closer to my face, our lips colliding and locking. I've always wondered what I'd done to lose my home, parents, brother in a fire and be sent home to the prison that was Prufrock Prep, but I have no clue what on Earth I'd done to deserve someone as special, smart, original, witty, kind hearted and gorgeous as Klaus Baudelaire.

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