Chapter 11 - A Hand To Hold

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The car jolted as we stopped, and both Klaus and I got ready to sprint. But we couldn't, because just as the trunk opened, Olaf and Esme we're blocking the only exit. In their arms were bundles of what appeared to be doctors and nurses clothes, them too dressed in the dirty and worn attire. The it dawned on me. I snapped my head to the side and saw a towering hospital, half of it nothing but wooden planks and sheets of plastic, the other half looking as old and worn as the doctors costumes. I hardly had time to blink and scream because the clothes and Esme's hand were clamped over my mouth, as was Klaus'.
"Listen here orphan brats! I want that bowl and I want it now! So put these on and do as I say, or else one of you will be losing some valuable flesh and blood. Get changed into those and you come with us and pretend to be doctors!" She snapped, before turning to Olaf and holding his hand. I wanted to be sick. The trunk slammed shut once more as I looked at Klaus, scared and full of questions.
"What is she on about? Sugar bowl?" I asked, taking off my tie.
"No idea...but, um Izzie?" Klaus asked, his face evidently red and his hand running through his hair.
"Yeah Klaus?" I whispered.
"Um, do you want me to turn around?" He asked, my eyes widening. I panicked.
"Y-yes please Klaus, I-I mean if you d-don't mind, that's fine-" I stuttered, and I couldn't stop the pink colour rising into my cheeks.
"It's fine Izzie, I will." He said softly, kissing my cheek briefly and turning around as much as he could. I changed myself into the rotten fabric, but I couldn't help stating at Klaus. It was only for a moment, but he definitely had abs. I looked away instantaneously, highly embarrassed, and pushed open the trunk lightly. It didn't make a difference, because we were being dragged to our feet by Olaf anyways. I clung to Klaus' arm, his hand holding mine tightly. It was so warm and comforting, it almost made all my fears go away with just being there. But before I had a chance to move, we were being pushed through the hospital doors. The whole place was the opposite of what a hospital should be. It was scruffy, too cheerful and people didn't seem to be getting the help they needed. I never liked hospitals, not since Duncan and Quigley both got the measles, but his was a different kind of hell entirely. Olaf and his troupe were convincing the rather stupid woman at the desk that they were doctors, and to my dismay, they easily got passed her. I held Klaus' hand tighter, fighting back the urge to cry and scream. I didn't want to get hurt, but the thought of Klaus being hurt was ten times worse. Esme was hunting around somewhere for that stupid sugar bowl she so desperately wanted, but something running around a corner stopped me dead. A maroon blazer was coming round the corner, then two more behind it. Our siblings were right here, right in front of us, smiles appearing on all our faces. This is it. This is the time Klaus and I's dream begins, the time when the hell ends. The troupe were paying no attention to us whatsoever, so when we dashed forward to our siblings they didn't even bat an eyelash. But Esme saw us. She screamed for Olaf, who snapped his head in a rather frightening manner and started chasing after us himself. I hadn't let go of Klaus' hand, so when he dragged me after our siblings I jumped a little. We ran straight into a room labelled "Library of Records". It was not what I expected. It was dark, gloomy and filled with sinister cabinets. The whole room felt too artificial and quarantined, this was my idea of a nightmare. Everything was happening in a horrifying blur, but yet I could see and hear everything clearly. I had frozen up, parlayed on the spot in fear. Klaus' hand never left mine, not even for a second. He pulled me swiftly, but not violently, I could see the genuine care in his face. We were running to an open hatch, a perfect escape from Esme and Olaf. But where would it take us? To worse? I didn't really have time to ponder the idea, because Duncan already had Violet in the hatch, then passed Sunny to her. She didn't fall down, but when Duncan got in she grabbed his hand and slid down a few feet.
"Isadora! Come on Isadora!" Duncan called, and I could hear the desperation in his voice. I snapped back to my senses, but Klaus was already picking me up gently and pushing me into the hatch. Duncan was sliding down now, but I knew it was too late. I screamed out as two grimy hands grabbed my sides, pulling me and Klaus over to the door. Klaus was screaming much louder though.
"IZZIE! Let go of me - Izzie! Please let her go, please just don't hurt her!" He screamed, his hand holding onto mine for dear life. Esme's sarcastic voice rang out.
"Want to be with her then? Fine. Get the bookworm!" She snapped, and Klaus was pushed into me, both of us carted out violently. I cried silently as we were flung into an empty hospital room. The smell was bone chilling. Blood and metal, clearly old and uncleared. Klaus grabbed me with his free hand, pulling me close and tucking me under his arm, my head under his chin. He tried to lash out, and ended up hitting Esme quite well, but it merely sent Olaf into a rage. He screamed, slapping Klaus violently across his face multiple times as I screamed for him to stop. So he did. He pushed us both onto separate hospital beds, each held up on wheels. We tried to fight out, but we were swiftly buckled in. I dreaded the thought, but the way we were trapped was obviously the work of experience. My hand never left Klaus', the fear in his gorgeous eyes prominent. He held my hand tighter, and I realised how that hand was the only thing comforting me and stopping me screaming and crying out. The troupe as well as Olaf and Esme, all sporting furious faces.
"It's gone! That library woman said it was here and it's not!" Esme whispered angrily to Olaf.
"I know darling, but the orphans are our number one concern right now." Olaf turned to us.
"Well, well, tried to escape did you? Well, seeing as your siblings have escaped, we'll just have to kill you instead." He snarled leaning over where we were trapped helplessly. He pushed the beds closer together and they snapped with a click, merging so we were much closer together. They left for a moment, so Klaus whispered to me desperately.
"Shhh, it's okay Izzie, it's okay. We're going to be fine, I'm here...shh I'm here Izzie, it's okay." He breathed sweetly, rubbing my knuckles with his thumb gently. I stopped crying, the comfort of his words and him just being there was enough. But the troupe returning, carrying sinister metal cylinders and pipe. I knew we both knew what they were. I tried to scream out, but the mask was already over my face. I turned my head to see Klaus screaming and trying to rip it off me, but his was already being strapped to his face. Before either of us knew it, gas was rushing through the tubes and I was feeling very drowsy. I turned my head for the last moment of consciousness, trying see Klaus' green eyes of hope and comfort falling shut, our hands still tightly interlocked. The room faded, but at least I had Klaus' hand, the only hand I'd ever want to hold.
(A/N: I'm so sorry this took so long to post!!! I think it's the longest chapter I've written but hopefully the romance in chapter 10 was enough to compensate for the fact their isn't much romance in this chapter! Thanks again for reading I love you all!!)

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