Chapter 12 - Pure Torture

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I don't know how long I was passed out for. It felt like an eternity of blackness I was only vaguely aware of. When I woke up, I could feel the mask had been moved off my face and Duncan was staring down at me, shaking my shoulders, tears in his eyes. Klaus was sitting up too, just to my right. Our hands were still loosely connected, but I could hardly tell because the seemingly circular room was a bit fuzzy. Count Olaf and his troupe were shouting loudly at our siblings, who I could tell had been dressed as doctors themselves. I wanted to get up and help, but my brain didn't seem to be in control of my legs. I started unbuckling the belts tightly fastened over my shoulders, but that quickly went to the back of my mind. Violet screamed, and Sunny whispered as Klaus' head was thrown back, a long rusty knife pressed into his neck, but not cutting it. Violet screamed again, but hers was silent in comparison to mine. I shrieked as loud as I could, thrashing around on the bed to get to Klaus. I could feel Duncan and Violet trying to calm me down and get me out, but I'd already snapped one of the belts. The second I was fumbling desperately to undo, the gold buckle slipping in my sweating hands. After what felt like both forever and a millisecond, it came undone. I was still a bit dizzy and my legs felt like sticks, but I screamed and ran up to Olaf and klaus, furiously ripping at the knife to pull it away from him. But one of the henchmen, or it might have even been a real doctor, held me back. The knife was moved from his neck, and to his face where silent tears were streaming. The blade sliced down the side of his face effortlessly, blood pouring like a waterfall from his left eyebrow to the corner of his lip. Mr Poe of all people showed up, and the look of fear on Olaf's face was almost comical. He let go of Klaus, who immediately stumbled over to me, grabbing me in his arms. I didn't stay there long, no matter how much I loved the warmth, comfort and safety there. I took my finger and gently wiped off the blood, and I could feel Klaus wince under my touch.
"Klaus! P-please s-stop" I breathed, my shoulders shaking from sobs, a familiar cough like sound coming from my throat. Klaus took me heroically into his arms and ran after our siblings, Duncan grabbing my hand and tugging me after him. I was still whimpering and klaus was still blending, but we ran, and I have no idea where to. The next thing I knew was that we were sprinting out the door of the hospital, doctors and policemen screaming and mumbling about finding the Baudelaire and Quagmire murderers. Murderers? No, we're abandoned hunted orphans and one very handsome 13 year old Thank you very much! Clearly Violet had some sort of clever plan she'd already thought of, and despite the risk and horror of it, we pinched the keys from a doctor who was getting into his car. It was so wrong, and we all knew that, but what was the worst that could happen to him? We needed help. Violet got in the drivers seat, Duncan next to her with Sunny on his lap, Klaus and I in the back, as the doctor shouted furiously, pointing at us about being murderers again. But they were taking  too long to reach us thank goodness. Violet started the car shakily and we sped off, driving towards the outline of a mountain in the distance. I subconsciously moved over to Klaus, leaning against him, his arms around me.
"Are you okay? They didn't hurt you or anything before we got here?" Duncan asked, turning to us and scanning us for obvious injuries in a panic stricken manner.
"No, we're fine thank goodness." Klaus breathed, as out of breath as I was.
"What are you talking about? Your face Klaus...oh we have any bandages or anything?" I asked, even more panic struck than Duncan was.
"No. We just have some money, the keys, and the letters and notebooks we came with. Is it okay for the moment?" Violet asked, watching Duncan go through the compartment above his knees.
"Okadomita!" Sunny said softly to Duncan, tugging on his collar. Violet explained what she meant and he handed her over to klaus, slightly awkwardly. I'd almost forgotten about Sunny. She looked scared, but as cheeky and witty as always. She hugged Klaus first, but then he handed her to me and she hugged me too.
"Oogardo." She said with a smile, which I understood to mean "I'm glad Klaus likes you as much as he does."
The comment made me blush, but Sunny merely chuckled as I handed her back to Duncan. At least I was back in control of my body and mind.
" were screaming so loudly. Nobody hurt you did they? I couldn't live with myself if somebody hurt you-" he started, holding both my hands with his own and looking into my eyes with those dazzling ones of his...
"Klaus. I'm fine, I promise..." I breathed back.
"But you were screaming and crying-" he started again, being interrupted once more.
"Because you were being hurt. Klaus that was pure torture for me and Olaf knew it...he just wants to see us suffer..." I breathed, moving back into his arms.
"You were screaming like that..for me?" He whispered, a dumbfounded and happy expression appearing on his face.
"Of course I was...I love you." I whispered back, the nervousness from Prufrock rekindling itself in my stomach.
"I love you too." He whispered back, and I fell asleep once more in his arms. Those safe, strong, gentle and warm arms that could so easily lull me to sleep...oh I love him so much.

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