Chapter 9 - A Letter Between Parents

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I couldn't believe what he'd just said. I don't think he could believe it either, but all it took was the look in both out faces to cause us to crash our lips together, not even thinking about it. It wasn't rough at all, but gentle and sweet and I loved every moment of it. We broke apart what felt like an eternity later, Klaus' usually slightly messy hair even messier than it had been everyday since I'd met him. His glasses were slightly astray, one side slightly higher than the other. His lips were curved up in a honest and loving smile that melted my heart and his cheeks were tinted pink. I smiled back, pushing his glasses back up and straightened them, then ran my ringers gently through his hair, combing it slightly. I let go and turned back to face him, but saw he was looking at me like I was some kind of angel, the same way Duncan had looked at Violet almost everyday they'd been together, the same way I'd seen people look at each other in romantic movies...and, the same way my parents used to look at each other. I smiled fondly at the memory, but it didn't last long. The countless hours we'd spent in He fountain would've been utterly boring, but Klaus was all I needed to stay entertained. He always had something to say, something to do or an idea we could write about in my commonplace book. But we couldn't ignore the shouts. The obvious mob moving around outside, and at one point, we heard our siblings upset about the murder of an innocent man, but no matter how hard we racked our brains or banged on the metal walls of the hideous structure, our siblings couldn't hear us and Count Olaf's plan was going off without a hitch.
Then we heard it. Familiar voices just outside the fountain. Duncan. Violet. Sunny. Just outside. I turned immediately to Klaus, but he was already gripping my hand, using his thumb to rub my knuckles, and I could almost hear his thoughts and prayers that they had figured out where we were. Light cascaded onto us, the lack of sunlight causing us to shield our eyes from the direct light. We knew what was happening though, so without thinking twice, we flew out the fountain, into the arms of our siblings. It was the perfect moment. We were together and we were going to be safe, this moment proved it. But that's all it was. A moment. As soon as the moment ended, hands thrashed at all of us, trying their best to separate us and take us with them and their violence. We all tried to fight back, but only Violet was able to grab Sunny and Duncan was able to grab her. Duncan tried to grab me too, but judging from the long red nail I'd just snapped, Esme was too strong. The entire time I could hear Klaus screaming "ISADORA!", and a man I recognised from the canteen at Prufrock and another women trying to pull us back to them. I didn't fight back. I didn't have it in me. What had I done to deserve this life? I felt the hand of the man from the canteen push something desperately into my hand, but it was too late for him to rescue me or Klaus. We were being pulled and pushed in a million different directions, but the slamming of car doors and the grunts and shouts from Klaus were enough to tell me where we were going. Not again. Olaf's damn car. I held onto whatever had been placed in my hand as the bright light that had brought me so much happiness just mere seconds ago was pushed away by the cruel hands of bitter darkness and despair. I didn't cry, I just screamed for Duncan. Klaus I could tell was shaking, so he grabbed me, pulling me close to him as we shook together. I felt him fall asleep moments later, but I only said fall asleep in my mind so I wouldn't have to face the reality that he'd been hit with something in the struggle and was now blacking out, unable to keep himself conscious.
If was then that I looked at the thing placed in my hand. A letter, seemingly ancient and crumpled, unfurled itself slowly in my palm. I recognised the handwriting on it immediately. My father's. I looked further down the page, and saw my mother's handwriting too. I felt the tears roll down my cheeks, but I didn't feel the emotion or pain behind them. I was just too numb. I read the words carefully, saving the meaning in them. It was obviously a letter my father had written, and my mother had sent the same paper back with her reply at the bottom. It read,
"Dear C,
You may have heard this already, but Beatrice had her baby early yesterday morning. It's a boy, she and Bertrand are naming him Klaus. He's only a few months younger than Duncan, Quigley and Isadora. Forgive me for being so forward, but the lines merging is a possibility. Wouldn't it be something if Isadora and Klaus fell in love? We really should get all our children together soon. I miss you terribly sweetheart, and the triplets are never out of my mind.
- Love G
Dear G,
That is wonderful news, and I don't think you're being one bit forward. It would be a dream come true if Isadora married Klaus, not because we think so or for VFD, but because they loved each other. Goodness, Isadora is only 6 months and we're already trying to marry her out of the family! I miss you too darling, please come back as soon as you can.
-Love, C"
The tears had stopped falling. My mind was too blank and utterly stunned to function properly. Klaus wanted to marry me as soon as we were old enough, and my parents were just as eager? I clumsily made my way over to Klaus, dodging the knives in the boot. He was waking up now, so I handed him the letter and ran my fingers through his hair, wiping the dry blood off his neck. He must have read it, as he turned to me with a grin on his face and a blush filling his cheeks. I couldn't help myself, so I mirrored his smile and lay my head on his shoulder.
"Why have I never seen this before?" I breathed.
"I think it would've been a VFD letter Izzie. Confidential, you know?" He replied, folding the letter back up carefully and sliding it into my commonplace book.
"Are you okay hon? They did hit you pretty hard-" I asked, looking for mote bruises and blood.
"I'm fine. Since when did you call me hon?" He laughed lightly.
"Since I realised I'm madly in love with you. You're sure you're okay though?"
I asked, a look of fear and worry filling my eyes and face.
"I'm sure. It's's my birthday Izzie. I totally forgot about it, but I'm 13 today." He breathed, looking up into my eyes. The sight of his bright green ones filled with sadness and lost hope broke my heart. I threw my arms around him and he held me just as tight as I was holding him.
"H-Happy birthday Klaus. I don't have anything to give you...I'm so sorry." I breathed. At my words he took me from around him and held me at arms length in front of him. He uttered 5 words that, again, melted my heart and made me love him even more.
"You are more than enough."
(A/N: Thank you all so much for 500 reads! This is utterly amazing, I have no words. I have now gotten into a routine where I am writing half a chapter at night and then the other half on the school bus in the morning. Hopefully I will be able to get chapters out every other day! If you did like this, vote or comment so I know what you think! Thanks again!)

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