Chapter 5 - Disguised and Taken

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The rest of the day passed slowly, as if it was never going to end. The Baudelaires were on their last legs, and Duncan and I could do nothing to help them. They were being forced to take comprehensive exams, and if they failed they would be sent to Count Olaf. I didn't want to imagine life without Klaus, Sunny and Violet. It would be like living life after the fire...missing 3 very important people in my life. That's why I did what I did in a heartbeat. I would cover for them, risk my life just to save Klaus'. Duncan did the same, probably for Violet mostly. I honestly think he failed his test in Mr Remora's too, he was always too busy staring and drooling over Violet.

I attached a fake fringe to my forehead in an attempt to look like Violet, then my mouth started doing something. I didn't want it to, but it was saying something I didn't think over in my head.

"How do I look?" I said shakily, scared for mine and my brother's lives.

"Different. Which is good, not that you didn't look good before! I mean, you did, do, you did look, do look...Sunny how are those glasses coming?" Klaus said, seemingly unable to string along a sentence, turning to Sunny hastily. I swear I saw him blush again, but he couldn't have done...could he? I saw Violet smirk out of the corner of my eye, and Duncan shoot Klaus a deathly glare behind his back. I shot one back at him when he wasn't looking. Duncan put on the fake glasses Sunny made, and I couldn't help but laugh to myself. Klaus wore glasses way, way better than Duncan did.

He handed me the spyglass, telling me to keep it. His finger brushed against mine while he handed it over, making both of us quickly look away and squirm around awkwardly for a moment. Then I did it - I made a last second decision. If I was going to risk my life for Klaus, I might as well do this in case I did die...I kissed your cheek. Only for a moment, but I did. I could already feel the adrenaline rush through my blood, giving me a new energy I'd never known possible. Klaus blushed, but didn't say anything. He just looked stunned, like I'd just slapped him in the face. He turned with Violet, taking Sunny with them back to the shack, leaving Duncan to turn to me, his face filled with countless emotions. He looked stunned, nervous, scared, but mostly...angry. What at, I didn't know.

"What on Earth was that?" he asked sharply.

"What on Earth was what? It doesn't matter, we'll talk afterwards...ready?" I said, taking his hand.

"As I'll ever be..." he breathed, as we took off outside, dragging the fake Sunny behind us. We ran and ran, but after about 10 laps I was out of breath and tired. How on Earth did Kl-the Baudelaires do this? It felt as if the world was blurring, the bleachers, the scoreboard, the luminous ring on the floor...they were all blurring into one weak, exhausted mess. Then we stopped. Count Olaf, or Coach Genghis was coming towards us. We turned to each other, and that's when we saw our worst scenario become a reality. The fake Sunny had broken off the sting, and was sitting at the other end of the circle. I froze, I didn't know what to do. Duncan took my hand and we took off running, the only place we could think of being the library.

We bolted in, making sure not to make any noise or even breathe when we got around the corner. One of the henchmen banged on the door, startling us, but he didn't come in.

That's when I saw it.

The gold lettering shining out in the darkness, "The Incomplete History Of Secret Organisations". I grabbed it and started flipping through the pages crazily, looking for a picture of our parents, the Baudelaire parents, our guardians, the spyglass, anything. The more we read, it seemed like a million puzzle pieces were being pushed into their correct places with satisfying "clicks". V.F.D. Whatever it stood for, it was the organisation our parents had been a part of, and the Baudelaire parents too.

That's when we saw him. The bald man, with a face full of scars and shiny silver hooks for hands was standing right where we were, a ghastly grin on his face. I clung to Duncan desperately, as we were pulled away, screaming, into a cramped car. We both screamed, banging on the window desperately, trying anything to escape. Then Count Olaf got into the car, shouting and cursing for his henchmen to drive. I screamed and hollered out the window as I saw the Baudelaires running after us, Klaus shouting my name. Violet was shouting Duncan's as I leaned out the window, screaming "V.F.D" like a mad-woman. Then Klaus caught up, sprinting as fast as he could, grabbing my hand tightly. I blushed at the contact, but quickly tried to climb out. I turned my head to grab Duncan, but he had been knocked out by the hook-handed man. I cried to Klaus desperately as the henchman mumbled something to Olaf. He nodded, and I was grabbed, pulled violently back into Duncan and knocked out, not knowing if Klaus was okay...I pray he's okay...just let him be okay...

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