Chapter 8 - Kisses and Finaces

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I woke up to a warm breath on my forehead, and fingers in my hair, stroking it so gently it made me blush a delicate pink. I opened my eyes the tiniest bit, to find my cheek was sitting on Klaus' gloriously warm shoulder, my head tucked under his chin. His face was full of concentration, his eyes directed in slight confusion towards my face. That very face of confusion was the one that made me blush and my insides go fuzzy. He looked into my eyes, making me snap them shut. I don't think he noticed though, he kissed my forehead with his soft, slightly cool lips, and I savoured the feeling. He took his lips away and went back to stroking my hair, and I didn't want to show him I was awake. I wanted this moment to last forever.
A jolt snapped us both out of our trance, and I felt our hands join tightly in the darkness of the rusty metal crow we were stuffed inside of, our fingers intertwining. I knew we were in a village, we'd caught a glimpse of where we were being put when we were transferred from the trunk of the rotting car to the inside of a rotting crow. Luckily enough, the fountain was bigger than the cage, so Klaus and I both lay down against each other on the floor, completely exhausted and drained.
We looked up to see the sneering face of Esme Squalor peering down at us, dressed in some hideous blue jumpsuit and sporting a fake police badge. Klaus was quick to start screaming at her, and I was even quicker to follow his lead.
"Can it! Listen here orphans, the other Quagmire brat may have escaped, but my boyfriend and I have 3 henchmen watching this fountain like hawks. If we see anything suspicious happening we're firing a harpoon through the baby brat! You here me?" She snarled quietly, Klaus' face losing all colour at the mention of his sister being murdered. All our hopes evaporated as she jumped back down, we had no option or chance to contact our siblings. Not even the thought of what Violet and Duncan were likely up to was enough to lift my spirits, we were utterly helpless. We sunk back into the corner, silent tears running down my face. I lifted my hand up, it was ice cold and shaking heavily. Klaus took his equally cold and shaking hand and intertwined it once more, both of us clinging to each other and trying not to cry too hard. I looked up at him again, and saw he was really close to me. I inched closer, shortening the gap between our faces slightly. Klaus did the same, his sparkling and scared green eyes gazing into mine, then glancing at my lips for a second, then back up to my eyes. I grabbed his collar with both hands, bridging the gap between our lips with a courage I hadn't felt in months. He didn't just sit stunned, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer still, and I felt his mouth open slightly, his tongue hitting mine instantly. I was a bit unsure at first, but after feeling how amazing it felt, like I was just sitting in a perfectly still and peaceful point in time and space where nothing was wrong in the world. We pulled apart a few moments later, both of us reluctant to do so. We were both blushing a bit, but it seemed we were just as shy and anxious about our relationship as we had been since our first kiss just days ago in the bottom of a dark elevator shaft. It seemed an eternity ago. We looked back into each other's eyes dreamily, then laughed lightly at the fact we were laughing despite being helpless and kidnapped. Our hands intertwined again as we leaned against the metal wall.
"Izzie?" Klaus asked softly.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"D-do you want your commonplace book back?" He asked, his voice quiet but with a nervous edge.
"Wait what? I thought I'd left it at Prufrock! You had it all along? Oh goodness..." I said excitedly, taking the black notebook out of his hand, then stopping when I realised what he'd likely seen in it.
"I'm really sorry Izzie, I know it was private but Sunny got a hold of it when she was sleeping and saw the page with all the hearts on and showed me and I-" he rushed out quickly, but I put a finger up to his lips, silencing him immediately.
"I don't mind Klaus. Did you write that? In the blue pen?" I asked, smiling slightly and pointing to a small blue sentence written at the corner of the page full of hearts. Klaus saw it and his eyes immediately widened, and a heavy blush filled his cheeks. I took another look at the comment. It read, "I love you too Isadora. I think I always have."
"Y-yeah...I did. It's stupid-" He said, obviously avoiding eye contact with me. I laughed lightly at how nervous he was.
"I love you too Klaus. You don't have to be so nervous you know." I whispered, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.
"Thanks Izzie. I feel helpless though, like I couldn't protect you when you needed protecting. I'm really sorry we can't get out of here..." he breathed, looking at the floor guiltily.
"It isn't your fault Klaus. We will get out of here and get back to our siblings, I don't care how much of our money we have to give them." I breathed back, lifting his head up with my hand under his chin, turning him so he was facing me.
"But I don't want to give away any of my money." He whispered, looking just as nervous as he had been before, but more sad now.
"Why not? We don't need it for anything, we only need a little-" I started, but he interrupted me with a comment that made my heart drop to my feet.
"I do need it Izzie." He said bluntly, still trying to hide something from me.
"What for Klaus?" I asked, trying to get him to look at me, maybe it would calm him down.
"I have to buy you an engagement ring the moment I can." He breathed, turning his head up slightly to see my stunned face, my mouth hanging open and a blush on my cheeks. He wanted to marry me when we were old enough?
(A/N: Again, thank you all for reading and your continued support!)

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