Chapter 6 - Cages and Confessions

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I woke up to a sharp aching on the back of my head. I sat up in pain, one hand rubbing the quite large lump, the other holding myself up on a freezing concrete floor. I looked around, my eyes adjusting to the pitch blackness around me. I was in a cage. A freezing, grungy cage. I leapt to the bars, shaking and hitting them violently, crying and screaming for help, the dark chilling me until a warm, comforting hand grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back and soothing me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and whispering words of comfort to me. I knew immediately it was Klaus. I knew how his hand felt, gentle, but strong, warm but cool.

I turned around to face him, and saw he too looked scared, but somehow he was even more handsome and striking than he had been when I last saw him.

Then it all came rushing back, the car, the kidnapping, the fear, the dread, the panic...and I started to cry again. I fell into Klaus' arms, my hands wrapping around his neck, sobbing into his cold, skinny chest as he rubbed my back and kept whispering softly to me. After what felt like forever in his arms, I pulled my head back from his chest and looked into his eyes, smiling as best I could with tears still running down my face. His pale hands went to my cheeks suddenly, as I realized how close we were, and blushed vigorously, but he closed the small gap between us and pushed his lips onto mine, my eyes widened in surprise and shock, but after a second of seeing his eyes shut and kissing my lips with his soft, cool, sweet ones I shut my eyes too, kissing him back passionately. I didn't want to let go, not ever, but a pair of strong familiar hands pulled me away from Klaus violently, pulling me away from him to the back of the cage swiftly. I turned to the person angrily, to be met with a pair of identical and equally as angry brown eyes as my own.

"What the hell is going on here?" he shouted, looking mostly scared and stressed now.

"I-I-I'm so, so sorry Isadora, I didn't mean t-to I just couldn't-" Klaus stuttered, looking like I'd just punched him in the face.

"You should be sorry! What the hell were you thinking?!" Duncan shouted, glaring at Klaus.

"I-K-Klaus...I didn't think you liked me like that..." I breathed, smiling slightly at him, but my smile vanishing when Duncan turned to me sharply with a look of pure horror all over his pale face.

"Don't tell me you enjoyed that! You can't be doing these things so young Isadora! What would mother and father have thought?!" he said, quieter than before but still as betrayed and angry.

"Don't bring mother and father into this! And yes, I did enjoy it, very much so. I know for a fact you've been kissing Violet, so don't tell me I'm too young!" I cried back, tears pouring from my eyes and dripping off my chin.

"Isadora...please don't cry...I'm sorry, okay? I just-" Duncan started, turning to me, trying to get me to look at him, but my head was already in my knees.

"Duncan...I just want to sleep right now. I'm tired and my head hurts a lot. I need time to think this over." I said, moving away from Duncan and lying on the floor next to Klaus, using Klaus' blazer as a sort of blanket. I felt him lie down next to me, and opened my eye a fraction to see Duncan glaring at Klaus with intense anger. Klaus started whispering calm, sweet nothings to me and stroking my hair gently, tucking a lose tuft behind my ear. I fell asleep quickly, though entirely overcome by fear, panic and dread, but with Klaus there with me, and Duncan too, I felt calmer. Safer. Like I knew Klaus would protect me no matter what happened in that wretched cage.

I didn't know how long I'd been asleep, but I woke up to Klaus laying beside me, mumbling under his breath and holding me tightly. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Duncan move over next to Klaus, still glaring daggers at him and shake him awake. I still pretended to be asleep, I wanted to know what Duncan was going to say to Klaus about our relationship. That kiss must have meant he liked me back. I'm in the bottom of an elevator shaft, in a cage, hungry, cold and scared for my life, but I'm happy. The person I love more than life itself loves me back. I snapped back to reality, to hear Duncan whispering to Klaus sharply.

"Don't you even dare do anything to her, you hear me? Fine, she likes you and you like her, it was going to happen eventually, but if you hurt her or make her feel uncomfortable, I will hurt you Klaus. I'm your friend, you know that, but I won't be if you do something to my sister. Don't you dare hurt her." he whisper yelled, his words cutting through the darkness and silence like a dagger.

"I wouldn't dare. I love her Duncan. I could say the same for Violet, you know that? Sure, she's older than me but she's still my sister and I have to protect her, so same goes. Hurt her and I'll hurt you harder." Klaus said sharply, a voice in my head cheering at the fact that Klaus hadn't just backed down from Duncan. He's taking this whole "Protective Older Brother" vibe way too far.

"Fine." Duncan growled, lying back down nearer me, pulling me away from Klaus into an empty corner , as if I was some kind of rag doll they were fighting over. Klaus didn't let go though, he held me tighter, but not hurting me. I heard Duncan growl as I moved closer to Klaus, hesitantly laying my head on his shoulder.

We all woke up with a jolt, as a violent shaking noise was rattling our cage. There stood Violet, Sunny in her arms. We all leapt up, hugging them through the bars. Duncan looked like he was looking at an angel when he saw Violet, but she leant through the bars and kissed his cheek, both of them smiling like idiots and blushing. She winked at me when she mentioned the way Klaus and I were sleeping, making me blush and look away awkwardly.

"This lock is an utter nightmare!" she shouted in frustration, before slamming it against the bars with a loud "Twang!" sound. All of our faces fell, as we realized Sunny and Violet would have to climb back up the neck tie rope back up to the penthouse. I started crying once they were out of sight, sobbing into Klaus' shoulder as he rubbed my back.
"W-what if w-we never g-get out of here?" I sobbed, as he whispered softly to me.

"'s okay Izzie, we'll get out of here soon, I promise. We'll be okay, I'm here Izzie, please stop crying..." he whispered, looking into my eyes. His usually bright green eyes were dark with fear and the lack of lighting around us, but still looked strong and hopeful. I smiled at him and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you Klaus..." I whispered, letting go of him. Duncan was asleep in the corner, probably dreaming about Violet.

"Izzie, I-I'm so sorry I kissed you before. I know you don't like me like that, but I couldn't help myself, I just...I love you. A lot. You're so kind, and generous, smart, beautiful and creative...and you like reading and writing poetry. I didn't think I'd meet someone so perfect, but I know you don't like me th-" he started, not looking me in the eye. His words melted my heart, knowing he liked me so much. He said he loved me. He's so amazing...

"Klaus. I-I love you're just smart, handsome, and you care about me so much. You're just so sweet and selfless...what am I saying? I love you Klaus. I have for a while now." I said, not looking at him in the eyes either.

"Y-You do?" he breathed, smiling widely and blushing vigorously.

"Yes." I whispered back, before he grabbed my waist and pulled me in for another kiss. I never thought I'd be able to kiss Klaus, but here I was, kissing those cool, soft lips. I loved him so much...and he liked me back. This was one of the best and worst days of my life.

(A/N: I have removed yesterday's author's note! I love the support from you all, and I really hope you like this chapter. From now on I will try to make no more author's notes as chapters and just have them at the bottom like this, and chapters will also be as long as I can and be updated as soon as I can! Thank you for reading!)

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