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I was in a airship heading back from the village. I look around at the others and some we're completely disturbed and some we're still covered in blood. I look over at Velvet and see that she is huddled into a corner terrified. I get up and make my way to her.

"You okay Velvet?" She jumps at my voice and looks up.

Velvet: "Oh F/N sorry I didn't notice you there. Yes I'm fine just fine." I kneel beside her and look at her with caring eyes.

"Your lying Velvet. Don't hide it I want to help you." She looks around for a bit and opens up to me.

Velvet: "I'm terrified. I mean who is this guy who can summon an army and take out huntsmen so easily. He hurt me and my team so badly. If it wasn't for you we would have died." She began to form tears in her eyes. "What did he do to that man? Why did he...........why did that happen to him? What if that happens to me." I placed a hand around her head and hug her.

"Don't worry Vel you aren't gonna get hurt anymore, I'll make sure of it." She grabs my arms and pulls me close to her.

Velvet: "Can I believe you when you say that? Will you really be there for me when I need you?"

"I'm a man of my word nothing bad will happen to you." She let's go and looks at me.

Velvet: "Thanks F/N you have changed a lot. I feel a bit better, I'm gonna go find my team and be with them."

"Alright if you need anything let me know." She walks away a bit more relaxed than before. I begin to walk towards another direction when I noticed Ruby appear next to me.

Ruby: "F/N can we talk alone for a bit." I look at her and noticed she was blushing a bit.

"Sure." We walk off into a room where we can speak without anyone eavesdropping on us. Ruby was still blushing as she looked at me ready to speak.

Ruby: "You and Velvet are just friends right? Cause I thought that after our date you and I were dating soooo."

"Don't worry Ruby I just saw she wasn't doing well because of what happened so I decided to calm her down a bit." She sighs and relaxes a bit.

Ruby: "That's a relief." I place a hand on her head and pat it lightly.

"Your cute when your jealous." She gets a bit red at my comment. "You okay after all that?" She stopped blushing and looked a bit terrified.

Ruby: "Y....yes I'm fine.... I hope."

"I'm sure you will be I'll help you forget it."

Ruby: "Isn't it to soon for that?"

"I mean you did just see a man blow up so if you need to talk about it I'll be here for you."

Ruby: "Oh you meant that uhhh. Y.....yeah surrrree I'll be sure to talk with"

"Wow your a bit naughty for a fifteen year old."

Ruby: "Sh...shut up!!" She started to hit my chest. I couldn't help but laugh at her. Her purity might bring me back from the darkness. I'll have to deal with it as soon as possible. "F/N do you remember what Jake and Yang even did?"

"Yes I do why?"

Ruby: "Why are you nice to them still they hurt you?"

"I have better things to do than worry about the past. Focusing on the present allows me to further my goals. Wouldn't you agree?"

Ruby: "I you consider Yang a friend at least? She regrets everything she did to you."

"No no I don't. I'll be nice." For now. "But I don't think our relationship will return to normal. Even if she feels regret it doesn't change that."

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