No Return

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I stood there gazing at the horrified faces of my enemies. I no longer cared for anything but to watch them all die painfully. Whatever bit of mercy I had left was gone and all I wanted to do now was to cause pain.

"K-kill him!" Sera's father yelled. My eyes met his as he cowered in the corner. I raised my hand and pulled on of their followers to me. The moment my hand grasped his neck he began to wither and decay. The fool struggled by stabbing my arm, though I didn't feel anything. I dropped him to the ground where he was nothing more than a husk of a corpse.

"Who's next?" I asked and looked at one other person who was horrified. I flew at them and, as though I was a wisp of smoke, I entered his body through his nose and mouth. The man screamed and gripped his head as I invaded his organs. Then next instant he exploded leaving me standing where he was. At this point their fight and flight instincts kicked in. Some charged at me and others began to look for exits.

The ones who came at me tried to attack but I avoided their weapons. Grabbing one by the head I began to crush it in my hands. His head exploded with one eye hanging out and I tossed him at my hounds.

"Enjoy your free meals." I said. In that moment they began to run at the cowardly guards and began to tear them to shreds. One of the brave few shot at me but the bullets had no affect, at least pain wise. I raised my hand and a spider rose from beneath him and bit into his torso. It dragged him back into the pool where he will feed the rest of my pets. I raised my hand and pointed at another worthless maggot and he instantly exploded.

At this point they all lost any hope of survival. I stood over them glaring at their quivering shells. I summoned numerous insects: Bees, Arachnids, and centipedes. All of which were covered in the black tar substance. The crawled all over the weak creatures and began to devour them inside out. I couldn't help but laugh at their screams as they suffered a painful gruesome death.

After I calmed down I walked over to the bastard who dares call himself Sera's father. He slid down the wall as I approached him and raised his hand to me.

"Please... I raised you..." He said.

"No Sera raised me. You tried to kill me." I said.

"She only used you..." He said.

"How? To fill the roll of a little brother? To suffer hours and hours of work and school so I can live comfortably? She didn't use me. She loved me and I loved her." I grabbed his face, "I'll avenge her suffering by killing the family who abandoned her."

"Yet you killed her. Your arm pierced her chest and ended her li..." I tightened my grasp.

"I did and I'll pay for it, but not until I make every last one if you suffer first." I said and as I pulled my hand back his skin began to tear from his body, "I told you. I was going to skin you alive." I pulled my hand over my head and his skin continued to tear. He screamed in agony and to prevent him from dying of shock I used the black mist to keep him alive, "Fenrir." I called as my first hound returned and stood next to me, "You want revenge don't you?" I asked. He looked at the human husk the was reeling in pain and fear. Fenrir growled and began to drool, "Make it hurt." I said.

Fenrir pounced on him and began to tear into his arm and devour him brutally. I walked away leaving my favorite hound to devour him slowly. I glanced over at Yang. She was completely frozen in fear.

"F-F/N?" She called. I appeared in front of her. The sound of death and pain filled the room, "P-please... I'm... I'm so..."

"Shhh. I'm not going to hurt you Yang. Without you. I wouldn't have turned out like this." I said brushing her hair with my hand.

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