Dark Crusade

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I woke up from my rest and saw only one other person awake, "Xuria." I said.

"Morning." She replied. She had a few pictures in her hands glancing at them.

"What are you..." I began.

"Wanna take this outside let them sleep?" She said motioning to the four.

"Okay." She must want to tell me something. I got up and the two of us made it out the building. We arrived outside and she handed me an image. I looked at it and I instantly knew who it was, "Sera..." She was young, smiling, and probably full of hope.

"Took that picture years ago. You seem to have a deep bond, so keep it. I don't need it anymore." She said.

"Thank you... But why?" I asked.

"I have others." She said pulling out more pictures of children, "I can get rid of one."

"This is your favorite though." I said seeing through her emotions.

"It is... But she means more to you than to me. Heh, didn't think that was possible." She chuckled.

"Keep it." I said handing the picture back.

"Why?" She asked.

"I'm not worthy to remember such a happy face." I replied.

"Okay... I'll hold on to it. Let me know when you are ready." She said taking the image.

"They awake yet?" I asked.

"Not yet, I'd give it... Five minutes." She replied.

"Alright I'll get ready then." I replied. Walking away.

"Okay." She said standing there alone.

As I made it to the edge of the small town we stayed in I summoned a lone beowolf, "Go to him and what he says are exactly what I want. Get it ready for my arrival." I said as it vanished and from my legs numerous shadows ran to the woods.


Pestilence stood in the woods. Traversing through the trees he felt an ominous energy as he got closer to his destination. He stopped as he saw an unknown and hidden village in the trees. The reason why he is here is to ensure that F/N and his group don't show up to an empty and abandoned temple.

"Your orders?" A thrall asked.

"Surround every exit, ensure nobody escapes, and hoard them into their temple. Burn everything else to the ground and kill anyone you can." He replied.

"Is that all?"

"Yes. Their little church can be dealt with the real F/N." He said. The thrall began to chuckle and vanished in a pool of black tar. The pool began to slither away and towards the hidden village. Then many more followed after it. Though it didn't end there. He turns around and sees a horde of Grimm, "Kill."

The Beowolves howl as the Ursa charge forward leading the rest into the village. People began to run out of their homes to see what was the noise. The sound of gun fire can be heard followed by screams. A winged creature landed next to him, "Strife, Dinner is ready." The creature roars and flies out towards the battle. Pestilence begins to walk down as well, he wants to personally ensure nobody leaves the area.

He made it to the entrance and saw an injured man look up at him. He reached out to him hoping to get help. Pestilence just walked past him as a beowolf walked up to him and began to claw at his back.

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