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Around two weeks had passed since Virgil first started talking with Patton. Ever since the first day he asked to sit with him the two always sat at the same table, talking and gradually getting closer. Virgil was still nervous-he was around anyone, really, but Patton was nicer than anyone he had ever met before. It didn't take long for him to start feeling comfortable being around him.

That's where the two of them were today, sitting across from each other and talking about anything that came to mind. It was nearing the end of lunch when Patton looked over at Virgil with a smile. "Hey..." He started out. "Would you maybe like to hang out after school today? We could go over to my house, if you want."

Virgil paused for a moment. He didn't know what he was expecting Patton to ask, but it definitely wasn't that. He never really had any friends before, and he certainly never had someone ask him to hang out after school. His immediate reaction was to say yes, but then he paused.

"I... can't. I'm sorry," Virgil frowned, remembering Logan. The two always hung out after class, and Virgil really didn't want to leave without even saying anything to him. It wasn't like he could explain to Patton that before he left he needed to let his ghost friend in the library know he couldn't meet that day. He sighed, glancing up at Patton and hoping he wouldn't be mad. "I kind of have plans after school already..."

"Oh," Patton said. He tried to mask his disappointment, but Virgil could see through it. Virgil frowned, hating that he made his friend feel bad.

"Well, I could hang out sometime this weekend?" He blurted out quickly, seeing Patton brighten up again and feeling relieved. "I don't have anything to do then, and... well I'm sure it'll be really fun to hang out." He offered Patton a small awkward smile, and Patton returned it with his own wide grin.

"Really? I can't wait!" He immediately began to ramble off about all the things they could do that weekend while Virgil listened along and smiled. He couldn't wait to talk to Logan about this-he understood what it was like to never have friends in school, and he knew he would be excited for Virgil.


As time continued to pass by Patton and Virgil continued to get closer. Patton asked him a lot more often if he wanted to hang out after school, and Virgil always told him it would have to wait until the weekend. Patton was happy to spend any time with his friend, of course, but he was curious. What did he always have to do after class that was so important?

"Hey, Virgil?" Patton asked one day, Virgil nodding for him to continue as he ate his lunch. "How come you're always busy after class? What do you do all the time?"

Patton watched as Virgil's cheeks flushed. He set down his milk carton he had been drinking from and looked up at Patton. "Uh... nothing important," he shrugged. "Just... studying."

"Just studying?" Patton repeated, and Virgil nodded. "Oh come on! Surely you do more than just that if you have no time at all for your friends! What do you really do?"

"Does it matter?" Virgil questioned, pulling his hoodie sleeves over his hands. Patton knew this to be a nervous habit of his. "I'm just busy. I'm sorry I can't hang out that much..."

"Oh no, I didn't mean that-it's not because of that! I mean, partly but..." Patton frowned, shaking his head and starting over. "I was just curious. I don't mind just hanging out on weekends. Really, anytime with you is fun."

Virgil didn't say anything at first, looking down at his sleeve covered hands for a minute before he nodded. "Yeah... I like spending time with you too. Listen, I would tell you, it's just-Well, it's complicated."

"It's alright," Patton nodded, offering a smile to his friend that he hoped assured him that he wasn't upset with him for not answering. When Virgil returned the smile he considered it a victory, deciding to change the subject. That was the end of their conversation, and Patton just needed to accept that he didn't have to know everything that Virgil did.

At least, he wished he would just leave it at that and stop thinking about it. However, after school had ended and Patton was walking towards the exit he caught Virgil walking in the other direction of the exit. So he had to admit-he couldn't stop thinking about it. He probably wouldn't stop until he was able to find out the answer. Without really thinking it through his feet moved on their own, slowly following his friend at a distance down the school hallways.

He watched from around a corner as Virgil stood in front of the library doors, seeming to be waiting for something. It took a while, but eventually most of the students had left the school building and the halls were empty aside from the two of them. He saw Virgil glance around, quickly ducking behind the corner to avoid being caught. When he finally peeled back around Virgil was no longer in the hallway, and Patton feared for a moment that he had lost him.

He looked around for him one more time before slowly creeping over, looking through the tiny window on the library door and feeling relieved to find Virgil inside. He watched him as he made his way inside, glancing around the room before moving to sit at one of the tables around the room. Patton for a moment thought that maybe Virgil was telling the truth. Maybe he simply cared a lot about his grades so he went to study after class every day.

Though that didn't really explain why he was so secretive about it. He had intentionally waited for everyone to leave before going in, and he even looked around the library to be sure it was empty. He didn't even want to tell Patton at first, so why? What could he be hiding?

Patton frowned, noticing something beside of Virgil. It almost looked like something was floating beside of him-but that couldn't be right, could it? Patton quickly took off his glasses, cleaning them on his shirt before jamming them back on, having to hold back an audible gasp as he saw the figure growing bigger-and was that a person? Patton had heard the rumors of a ghost around but that couldn't be the case, right? Maybe his eyes were playing tricks on him.

Then he saw an arm start to appear slowly-an arm that was reaching towards his best friend, as if it was going to grab his shoulder. Patton was terrified, because that was real and he was seeing that, and that meant ghosts were real and there was one in his schools library and it was going after Virgil! Patton didn't even pause to think before he slammed the doors to the library open, concern for his friend outweighing his fear as he rushed inside.

"Virgil! Watch out!" He screamed, running to get to his friend before the ghost or whatever it was could. He saw both Virgil and the thing whirling around to face him, the figure quickly disappearing as Virgil looked confused.

"Patton?" He frowned, yelping as Patton grabbed his arm and pulled him from his chair, dragging his towards the library exit. "Wait, Patton! Hold on a second-"

"No! It was trying to grab you, we need to get out of here!" Patton shouted, continuing to try and drag Virgil out. It took Virgil a moment to get his thoughts together, but when he did he pulled both him and Patton to a stop, getting Patton to face him.

"Patton, calm down! It's okay, I'm perfectly okay and so are you." Virgil assured him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Just breathe."

"But-but there was something-and, and it-" Patton stuttered out, beginning to hyperventilate. "We need to get out of here before it comes back!"

"Patton, breathe. I know this is weird, but it's okay! I promise." He looked at Patton seriously, and Patton slowly started to calm down.

"I... why aren't you scared? I'm not going crazy, am I?" He asked, glancing around the room nervously. "Y-you saw it too, right?"

"Patton..." Virgil looked up at him for a moment, and the sighed. He closed his eyes, trying to think of the right words to say. "I did see it too. But I promise, it's nothing to be scared of. It's just Logan."

"Logan?" Patton's voice wavered, and Virgil knew he was about to start panicking again. He took a hold of one of Patton's hands, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Hey, I told you we're okay, right? I need you to trust me right now. Please, Patton." He looked up at Patton, meeting his eyes. Patton stared for a moment, mouth opening and closing before he eventually nodded.

"Okay. Okay, just... please explain what's going on." He mumbled, and Virgil nodded, smiling at him just like Patton had done at lunch, hoping to reassure his friend that things would be okay.

"Alright. Logan... he's my friend. And before ask," Virgil paused, drawing in a deep breath. "Yes. He is a ghost."

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