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Hi! I'm uploading this early because I'm going to be busy moving today. I hope that you enjoy this early update. Thanks for reading!

"Ms. Spirits, could we talk to you for just a minute?" Roman heard as he was shuffling out of the classroom door, pausing and peering back in to see Patton and Virgil stepping up to their teachers desk.

"Of course, what is it that you two need?" The friendly old woman asked as Roman hid himself right beside of the door, listening in.

He wasn't entirely sure why he chose to listen in now-for all he knew they could be asking a question on the homework they were given, but he had a suspicion that it wasn't. He had noticed the way they waited for everyone, including him, to step out of the door before they approached her, and he couldn't help but wonder if this had anything to do with what they had been talking about in her class before. He tilted his head closer to the door, trying to hear them better.

"This is kind of an odd question," he heard Virgil saying, leaning even closer. Surely he was going to figure out what they were hiding now. "It's... about a student that used to go here. Logan Sanders?"

There was a pause for a minute, and Roman frowned. He tried to peek into the door, finding Ms. Spirits looking down at her desk for a while, thinking.

"Yes, I remember him. He was an amazing student. Very quiet, though." She said, nodding slowly. Roman saw Virgil and Patton sharing a look before they turned back to her.

"Do you remember what happened to him...?" Patton asked this time, and the teacher nodded.

"Yes, of course. It was terrible what happened to him." She sighed. "Another student found him in the bathroom. They never did find out what happened to him exactly... Though at first, it seemed pretty obvious."

"What did people think had happened?" Virgil asked again this time, sounding concerned. Roman didn't understand why any of this mattered to him-the kid had died years ago. It was terrible, but it wasn't like Virgil knew him or anything.

Roman thought about it for a moment longer, frowning. Now that he thought about it, wasn't Logan the name of the student they were planning to meet in the library? That couldn't be the same person they were talking about now. Were these two really that insane? He shook his head, ignoring his thoughts and going back to listening.

"Logan... didn't have many friends," Ms. Spirits said simply. "Other kids thought he was strange. He was picked on a lot. A lot of the teachers thought at first that maybe their bullying had gotten violent enough that..."

The teacher paused, clearing her throat. Roman saw her wiping at her eyes, and suddenly he felt bad for acting as if Logan's death was no big deal. It had happened years ago, but that didn't make it any less terrible.

"Of course, no one wants to believe that anyone could do something like that. Especially not a kid! So when the police eventually decided they didn't think it was a murder it was a huge relief to everyone else." She frowned. "Of course, I still believe it could've been one of them."

"Ms. Spirits... are there any names you remember specifically of kids that bullied Logan?" Patton asked, and the teacher nodded.

"I could write them down for you, if you'd like?" She offered, and both Patton and Virgil nodded immediately. The teacher pulled out a pen and a notepad, adjusting her glasses and writing down the names. Roman wished he could get closer to see what she was writing.

"Thank you," Patton and Virgil both told their teacher as she handed the note over. She smiled at both of them, shaking her head.

"It's no problem at all. Tell Logan I hope he can figure things out." She said. Roman, Patton, and Virgil all seemed shocked and confused, and Roman started to wonder if everyone in his school was insane.

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