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"Maybe we should google it?" Roman suggested, receiving frowns from all three of the others in the room with him. The four of them were staying late, deciding what they should do to get Logan out of the school.

"Oh sure, let me just search real quick for how to sneak a ghost out of our high school so that we can interrogate his murderer. I'm sure we'll get plenty of results for that." Virgil rolled his eyes, making Roman cross his arms and shoot him a glare. Virgil glared right back at him, only breaking the eye contact when Patton spoke up from beside them.

"C'mon Virgil, he's just trying to help. Maybe we can find something, you never know!" He insisted, always the optimistic one.

"It certainly couldn't hurt to try." Logan agreed, Virgil feeling his stomach curl in knots as he once again took Roman's side.

Virgil grumbled quietly to himself, but pulled a chair up to one of the library computers anyways. "What exactly do you want me to type in?"

"How to help a ghost leave?" Patton supplied, Virgil reluctantly typing it in. There were quite a few results which came up, and Virgil made sure to ignore the remark from Roman about this as he clicked on the first result. He scrolled through it slowly, allowing them all to read it and quickly realizing this was not what they were looking for at all. The page had suggested 'banishing' the ghost, which sounded unpleasant and not at all like what they were trying to do. They didn't want to prevent Logan from returning, just allow him to leave for a short amount of time. Looking through a few other pages led to the same results, so eventually they stopped looking.

"Any other great ideas, Roman?" Virgil remarked sarcastically, rolling his eyes once more at the glare sent his way. The four of them sat in silence for a few moments, thinking over anything else that might help them.

"Actually, I think I do have another suggestion." Roman spoke up again after a few moments, lighting up and standing instead of leaning on the table where the computer was. "So, I was watching this tv show once," he started, ignoring the scoff that came from Virgil. "And in the show, this ghost could leave the place he was haunting by possessing someone! So, Logan just has to possess someone."

Patton and Virgil both looked to Logan after he had finished, silently asking if Logan could do that.

"I... have never really attempted to possess someone," Logan frowned, looking distant as he thought about it. "I'm not even sure how this would work... and the fact that this is coming from a work of fiction does not give me hope of success."

"Well, the whole idea of ghosts seemed completely fictional before we found out you existed. Maybe there's something accurate in fiction, if they got at least that right!" Patton encouraged the idea.

"That is true," Logan considered. "And any ideas we have are worth trying at least once. So, any ideas on how exactly we should even attempt this? And... who exactly I'm going to be possessing in the first place?"

"What about me?" Virgil spoke up quickly, knowing Roman would probably jump at the chance if he didn't act first, and he hated the thought of Logan picking Roman over him. "I-I mean, we have known each other the longest, and I trust you so..."

"I think that's a great idea!" Patton agreed, grinning at Virgil in that knowing way that made his face flush. Logan nodded, lips quirking upwards the slightest bit at the knowledge that Virgil trusted him that much. Then he forced his neutral expression once more, and they launched into different ideas on how Logan could possibly manage to possess someone.

"Shouldn't you just be able to like... walk into him, or something?" Roman tried, and Logan shook his head.

"I've walked through people several times as a ghost. If it were that simple, I'm sure I would have possessed many people accidentally." Logan said.

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