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When Virgil woke up he no longer felt any pain from being shot. He couldn't feel anything, actually. No warm blood pooling at his side, no cold hand holding his or pressure against his wound. When he slowly opened his eyes he noticed that no one was right there beside of him.

Virgil slowly rose to his feet, looking around the bathroom that he had originally passed out in. Why wasn't he in the hospital? Where had everyone else gone? He began to make his way towards the door when he paused, standing just in front of the mirror.

The reflection staring back at him couldn't be his.

Virgil rushed over to look more closely in the mirror, not trusting his eyes. He reached out a pale hand to touch the mirror, only to find that it passed right through. Eyes wide, Virgil stared at the mirror with his mouth agape, studying his pale complexion. His eyes traveled down towards his stomach-the place that Lee had shot him what felt like moments before. He could indeed see that his shirt was torn and bloodied, and could see the bullet hole that still wasn't hurting.

Virgil was dead.

Virgil was a ghost.

The dead student rushed to the door of the bathroom, reaching to pull it open only for his hand to pass right through, retracting his hand a moment later like it had been burned. He paused to stare at it for a moment before slowly reaching out and passing right through again. This time he left it there, the rest of his body soon following it through. Once he had gotten all the way out he found himself in the hallways of the school once more, retracing his steps down the hallway he had walked through with Logan, Patton, and Roman. He walked until he found the gymnasium again, which was just as empty as the bathroom he woke up in. Where the hell had everyone gone?

Virgil picked up his speed a little, peering into classrooms as he went. He knew where he really needed to go though. The most important place he needed to check. He just hoped that Logan hadn't moved on without him.

By the time Virgil made it to the library he had broken out into a run, desperate to find Logan or anybody at this point. He slowed down a little before meeting with the library doors, his brain still screaming at him to stop before he ran into it. He didn't stop, and managed to once again pass right through.

"Logan!" Virgil shouted as soon as he crossed into the library. "Logan! Please be in here, Logan!"

"Virgil?" He heard from across the library, turning to see Logan standing there looking relieved. The new ghost bolted immediately towards him, throwing himself at him and reveling in the fact that he could actually throw his arms around Logan, that he wouldn't pass right through him. Logan's arms closed back around him instantly, squeezing him close as Virgil buried his face into Logan's shoulder.

"You're here," Logan said softly, laying his head against Virgil's. "I'm so glad you're here. I'm so sorry I wasn't waiting for you, that you had to wake up alone. I should've stayed but I-I couldn't... I just couldn't be in the room that you died in, I'm sorry Virgil."

"It's okay," Virgil murmured, lips brushing Logan's shoulder when he talked. "Don't be sorry. I'm just glad you're here at all. I thought you might have moved on already... I didn't want to be alone here."

"I couldn't possibly leave you." Logan assured Virgil, pulling back slightly to look at him. "As soon as they put cuffs on Lee and Christopher I knew that wasn't the end of my unfinished business. You have become way more important to me than finding them ever was."

Virgil stared back at him, thinking over his words. They were sweet, and Virgil knew that Logan was more important to him than anything too. Still, he couldn't help but be worried by the fact that they were still there.

Haunted High School (Thomas Sanders Analogical Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now