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Warnings: blood and a dead body, but I guess these things should only be expected in a story about a ghost

Logan tapped nervously against the side of one of the library tables, knowing he was only drawing attention to where he was and not really caring all that much. There were other students in the library, but it wasn't as if they didn't already know about him. The entire school talked about it being haunted, and anyways, Logan was too distracted.

He felt sick.

Which was exactly what was causing him to feel so nervous that afternoon. He was dead. He wasn't supposed to be feeling anything. Yet here he was, feeling just like how any normal and alive human with the flu might feel. So if Logan was feeling bad, surely that had to mean something bad was going on. He had never once felt like this since the first day he became a ghost.

Some time passed with him continuing to tap quietly in the corner. He didn't really notice when all of the students filed out of the library, soon leaving it entirely empty. It startled him when he heard the door open again, followed by Virgil calling out to him. "Logan? You here? Patton should be coming pretty soon."

Logan looked towards his friend, watching him as he walked over to the chair Logan was in. The sudden movement caused his head to spin, wincing and holding his head in his hands.

"Logan?" Virgil asked again, confused. "Are you in here..?"

"I am here," Logan said finally, sounding strained. "Is it possible for you to lower your voice for now? I am not feeling very well."

"Yeah, sorry." Virgil spoke softer immediately, frowning. "But what'd you mean you don't feel good? How's that possible?"

"I don't know." Logan answered honestly. "It... was very sudden, and strange. I'm not sure what caused it."

"Well, that's not good." Virgil said, and Logan nodded. He only remembered afterward that Virgil couldn't see him.

"I'm still going to try to become visible, but it may take me longer than usual." Logan said, drawing in a deep breath as he attempted to focus. It had become easier since he so often became visible around Virgil, but due to him already feeling ill it was a lot harder.

"Take your time," Virgil mumbled in response, taking a seat in the chair next to Logan. "Just... be careful, okay?"

Logan didn't answer him, but Virgil could hear him trying to become visible. He sounded in pain, and Virgil winced. Still, Logan kept trying despite how difficult it obviously was for him.

"Logan," Virgil frowned, looking towards where he thought Logan's face would be. "You don't have to, it's okay. It's obviously hurting you."

"I-I have to," Logan insisted, ignoring Virgil and trying harder. "It had become so much easier... what is wrong with me?"

"We can figure that out Logan, but for now you need to stop." Virgil pushed, sounding nervous. "Really Logan, you're going to hurt yourself! Be careful.."

"I'm fine," Logan grunted out, and Virgil finally saw him. Only for a second, before he disappeared entirely once again. Logan sounded more and more hurt, and although Virgil wanted to tell him to stop again, that it was fine if he couldn't do it that day, that he didn't have to, but Logan wouldn't listen. He watched Logan become visible again, this time staying for a second before he started to flicker.

"Logan..." Virgil stood now, holding out his hands. "I really don't think you should keep trying this. It's just not working today."

Logan ignored him, flickering a few more times before finally managing to stay visible. They both stood completely still for a moment, before Logan looked over to him with a satisfied smile. "See? I told you I was fi-"

Haunted High School (Thomas Sanders Analogical Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now