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Trees swayed gently from side to side with the gentle breeze, a green leaf or two falling here and there and gliding slowly down to the ground. The warm sun shone down, for the first time in years warming Logan's skin. Logan had begun to forget just how many sensations he no longer experienced since he died, so being here now, accompanying his friends, was a little overwhelming. He could feel the air as he breathed it in, cold as it traveled downwards to his lungs, and then warm as it returned and left his nose again. His heart beat steadily inside his chest. It felt like he was living again.

"Uh, Logan?" Virgil spoke, trying to break Logan out of his thoughts. His friends had been talking, waiting to hear from him to figure out what they were going to do next. Virgil could tell that he was still there as he had pressed his left hand over his heart without intending to, but he wasn't saying anything. "You... okay?"

"I apologize," Logan spoke up finally, focusing back on the two in front of him. "What were you saying?"

"We were just wondering what the plan was for now. Are you going to go back to Virgil's, or should we maybe stay together?" Patton questioned. "We could always stay at my place, my moms don't mind! Or we could go to Roman's, since the plan is to be there tomorrow anyways. We just wanted to know what you wanted to do."

Logan thought for a moment, falling silent again. He wasn't entirely sure he could handle being around either Roman or Patton for right now. All of these familiar yet new-feeling sensations were overwhelming enough, and although he considered Patton a friend by now and appreciated Roman's help he wasn't sure he could take either of their excitable personalities at the moment. "I... think I would like to stay with Virgil, alone for the night. We can meet up tomorrow at Roman's. Will you let us all know when to be there?"

Roman nodded, and Virgil tried to ignore the way Patton grinned excitedly at Logan mentioning he wanted to stay with Virgil. He felt his cheeks burning, desperately hoping that Logan wouldn't notice. He knew he had when his hand moved from his chest to touch his cheek, which only made it burn more.

"S-So, we're going to need your number if you're going to tell us when to meet you tomorrow." Virgil blurted suddenly, thankful when the hand dropped back to his side. Patton and Virgil both exchanged numbers with Roman, and after saying their goodbyes the four of them headed to their homes.

"Are you... okay?" Virgil asked hesitantly as he walked down the sidewalk, keeping his voice low to avoid strange looks from others. He took some deep breaths, not caused by himself, and nodded slowly.

"It's strange," Logan answered, also speaking softly. "Feeling things again. It is a lot to process."

Virgil nodded slowly, thinking it made sense to feel that way. He didn't speak to Logan again for the rest of his walk home, letting him get used to everything. Logan seemed to appreciate this, and neither of them said much even once they arrived at Virgil's house. Virgil greeted his parents, and then silently started on his homework. Virgil has almost forgotten that Logan was even there until night came, stopping himself in front of his dresser. He had started pulling out bedclothes to change into, his normal attire uncomfortable to sleep in, and then remembered he wasn't the only one there.

His face flushed again, considering just being uncomfortable for the night. It would only be today anyways, he could make it through. He started to move to put things back when his eyes slid shut, Logan not saying or doing anything other than that. He only felt more heat rise to his cheeks, understanding what Logan was thinking. As quickly as he could without being able to see, Virgil got ready for bed, finally opening his eyes back up right before he climbed into bed.

His blush just wouldn't seem to go away the more he thought about how he was lying in his bed with someone else. He couldn't seem to get comfortable, body stiff due to his discomfort. Virgil felt his lips pull down into a small frown, only becoming more rigid at the realization Logan must notice something was wrong.

"Are you alright?" Logan spoke up for the first time in hours. "Is it... uncomfortable, that I'm here?"

"N-No, of course not!" Virgil only half lied, shaking his head.

"What exactly is bothering you, then? You can tell me, Virgil. I do not mind pretending I am not here, or even leaving if you would like for me to." Logan told him.

"Of course you don't have to do that! It-it's got nothing to do with you, I just uh..." he searched his brain for anything else to say to convince Logan he was being honest. "I'm a little worried about tomorrow."

Again, Virgil didn't lie. It wasn't the exact thing on his mind at that moment, but he was worried about that as well. He had been avoiding thinking about it for the most part.

"I... understand. It is scary." Logan said, and Virgil tried not to actually sigh in relief at Logan believing him.

"Yeah... a lot could go wrong. If he really is... well, you know. It could end very badly." Virgil muttered. "He could be angry at us. Try to..."

"I won't let anything happen to you." Logan spoke up determinedly, not letting Virgil finish his thought. "I'll protect all of you, if I have to. Even if things don't go perfectly, you will be safe."

Virgil felt a knot form in his throat at Logan's words, his pulse quickening. "Th-Thanks," he forced out, smiling softly. He truly did feel safer with Logan's words.

"It is the least I could do for you." Logan said. "You have done so much to help me with this. You, Patton, and even Roman. I truly appreciate it."

"You don't owe me anything for helping you," Virgil assured him. "You're my best friend. I'd do anything for you."

"Thank you." Logan spoke, softer than before. I feel the same way. That is why I will make sure everything works out tomorrow."

The two of them sat in silence for a while, Virgil feeling a lot less uncomfortable after being able to talk with Logan. He still felt nervous, but he reminded himself that this really wasn't much different than every other time they've hung out together. The only difference was the place. He had Patton over at his house before, and Logan was his friend too. He really shouldn't be so awkward about it. He knew it was different, that his feelings for Patton were different with Logan, but he tried to ignore that for now.

"It is nice, being able to talk to you outside of school." Virgil commented finally. "A little odd... but nice. Especially since we don't have to worry now about anyone seeing you."

"It is certainly strange." Logan agreed. "I must admit that I am very pleased with the change of scenery, though."

Another silence fell for a while, before Logan spoke up again. He seemed a little nervous as he spoke. "I know you said that you helped me because that's what friends do, but I still want to thank you again. I never would have had the opportunity to leave the school, even for a short while, if it wasn't for you. Everything that you have done for me... it means a lot. I'm not certain I'll ever truly be able to repay you."

"There really is no need to repay me, L." Virgil promised, smiling a little wider. "Getting the chance to know you is good enough for me. I... am glad to have you as my friend."

"I'm glad to know you as well." Logan agreed, and the conversation ended. The pair fell back into silence, Logan closing Virgil's eyes to signal to him that he should get some rest. Virgil didn't argue much, and fell asleep a lot faster than usual, feeling comfortable and warm knowing that Logan was there to keep him safe.

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