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Me? Updating three whole days in a row? *shocked Pikachu meme*

Somehow, despite not having a need to breathe the silence that currently surrounded the library felt suffocating to Logan. Virgil, Patton, and amazingly even Roman were there with him, none of them saying a word. They weren't entirely sure what they could say.

"I, uh..." Logan frowned, glancing around the room nervously. His eyes happened to meet Virgil's, and the other seemed to sense his nervousness. He gave a tiny, encouraging smile and nod, and despite the gesture being so small Logan found that he finally had the courage to speak.

"Roman, Patton. I would like to apologize," Logan began, only to get cut off by Patton.

"That's not necessary!"

"Uh, I think it is." Roman spoke up, glancing at Patton and then back to Logan. "He almost killed a guy in my living room. Do you have any idea how much trouble I'd be in? How much trouble we'd all be in? I mean, obviously we'd either be sent to jail, or-or maybe to a mental hospital for claiming a ghost did it!"

"He is right, Patton. I do owe you all an apology." Logan agreed, finding himself looking to Virgil every once and a while. Virgil being there with him somehow made everything better. "I... what I did was wrong. I know that. I truly would never want to hurt anyone normally, not even someone who... Anyways, I still don't know what exactly happened. I just know that I wasn't myself. I know this sounds like a way to avoid blame, but it is the truth. Something came over me, and it was difficult to make it stop. If Virgil weren't there... I don't know if anyone else could have stopped me. You don't have to help me with this anymore. You've already done plenty, and I don't want to put you in anymore unnecessary danger."

Another long silence surrounded the students in the library, Logan waited for them to say anything. Even if it was just to say they didn't ever want to speak to him again, he just wanted this terrible silence to be over.

"I don't know about Roman," Patton spoke up first as he realized Roman wasn't going to. "But I'm going to stay and help the best I can. You're my friend now, Logan. Friends are supposed to help each other get through things."

"Thank you, Patton." Logan smiled slightly, relieved to have another friend by his side. He turned back to face Roman, smile falling. He hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Roman, you do not have to stay... you don't have to say anything either. I understand."

"I'll help," Roman said finally, usual grim taking over his lips again. "I mean... I dont really know if you guys consider me a friend or not." He sent a glance in Virgil's direction, receiving a guilty look in return.

"But I've had fun hanging out with you guys. Plus, I mean... it sounds to me like as long as you've got Virgil around you're good." He paused for a moment, beginning to laugh. "You're kinda like the hulk. Sometimes you get super angry and start throwing things, and only one person can calm you down."

Patton laughed as well at that while Virgil just rolled his eyes. Before Virgil lost the chance to say something he looked towards Roman, surprising him by smiling at him rather than glaring.

"Honestly, I don't think I'd go as far as to call you my friend," he joked. "But I do appreciate you helping us. And... I guess it won't be terrible if you stick around."

"Wow," Roman spoke, one hand over his heart and the other wiping away nonexistent tears. He still had a bright smile on his face throughout the act. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Virgil."

"Don't get used to it." Virgil rolled his eyes, but he was smiling too.


A week passed by with very little discussion about their next plan for finding Logan's murderer. They were all right back where they had begun before Roman showed up, no idea on how they could possibly meet and interrogate their suspects. Every time the conversation did come up everyone ended up disappointed and no closer to getting any answers.

Virgil did think they had a lot of fun recently despite this. He and Roman were managing to get along slightly better now(they still bickered, but they didn't real hold any negative feelings towards one another now). On nights where he and Patton hung out alone Virgil had made fun of how he believed Patton was developing a small crush on the other student. Patton of course only used the topic of crushes to spin it back around on Virgil, so he had learned to avoid the subject soon after.

Despite Roman and Patton joining their friend group he and Logan still got to hang out by themselves some days, and Virgil appreciated their time together. They had only grown closer after everything that happened with Sebastian. Virgil still wished they were even closer than they were now, but he hadn't tried to confess again since the first time he had considered it.

"It isn't worth screwing up our friendship," he had told Patton when he asked the night before. Patton had tried to assure him it wouldn't, but Virgil still just couldn't bring himself to actually say it. He was too scared. He didn't want to lose Logan.

Virgil found himself not paying enough attention on the lesson as he went over all of this in his head. Once he realized this he did his best to tune in, only to find that his teacher was just about to finish talking and send them home for the day.

"Please remember that students are not allowed to stay after classes this Friday," his teacher said, gaining Virgil's attention. "Our high school is having a high school reunion for past students. Any after school activities should already have told you there will not be anything held on Friday, and you are not allowed to study in the library either."

Virgil barely laid any attention to the rest of what his teacher said as she was dismissing them, gathering up his things quickly. As soon as he was allowed out of the door he was making his way down the halls quickly, and was told off by at least two teachers for being too fast. Virgil couldn't care less at the moment as he made his way to the library, rushing through the doors and finding Logan in there already waiting, back turned in case another student were to enter.

"Logan!" Virgil shouted, making his way over to his friend who turned to face him, panting a little after running across the entire school. "I've got an idea. I think I know how we can find our other suspects."

"You do?" Roman asked from the doors, Patton entering right behind him, both clearly surprised.

"Well, what is it?" Patton bounced excitedly as he made his way over to them.

"The High School reunion," Virgil answered, looking back at Logan with a grin. "Past students are going to be there, which means that they should show up too! We just have to find a way to get in, get them alone somehow, and we can finally get answers!"

The four of them shared a hopeful look before turning back to Virgil, Patton and Roman taking seats at the table with Virgil and Logan.

"Well, we'd better start working on our plan then!"

Wooo, character development! Also I just wanna apologize to anyone who really loves Roman I swear he's not supposed to be an asshole in all my books I just like to show him and Virgil being at odds as they first meet and slowly getting used to each other, just like they did in the actual SS videos. I hope that makes sense. I love platonic prinxiety tho honestly it's fun to write their bickering when there's no real angst behind it-

Also uh..... start preparing for the end of this story. Cause it's getting here and it's gonna be........ fun. Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! I'm always happy to see all of your comments on what you think of the chapters and what you think is gonna happen next! Your support for this book always amazes me, and I'm seriously thankful for every vote and comment this story receives. It's going to be sad to see it end. Thanks so much for reading. Take care of yourselves. Bye!-Bob

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