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Before this chapter I wanted to mention bearfox1234 who's on Wattpad and TikTok, who made absolutely amazing cosplay TikToks as Logan in this AU!! Please go and check them out on their page! And yes, I am going to give shoutouts to anyone who makes stuff based on my books(who gives me permission to), bc they make me insanely happy to see and I want to share it with everyone lol. Anyways, thanks to bearfox1234 for making those TikToks, and I hope you all enjoy this chapter! ^•^

With a promise from Logan to take care of the living students the four of them were off, quickly exiting the gymnasium and finding themselves in the eerily empty hallway of the school. Music still hummed behind them from the door they left behind, growing fainter with every step they took down the hallway. They had barely managed to catch sight of Christopher turning at the end of the long hallway, lucky they caught the direction he was going.

"It's so... weird, being here without any other students. Or other teachers, since all of them are in the gym." Roman kept his voice low as they walked, peering into dark classrooms they passed by.

"That's definitely not the weirdest thing about tonight." Virgil remarked, pausing ahead of the group as they reached the end of the hall. He carefully poked his head around the corner, frown tugging at his lips upon finding no one there. "Shit... how are we supposed to find him in this giant school now?"

"I think I know where he is." Logan spoke for the first time that night without using Virgil's body, his voice startling Patton and Roman. Virgil just turned towards where he stood next to him, his hand finally curling around Logan's like he had wanted to do all night.

"Where?" Patton questioned, but wasn't answered with words. Instead Logan began tugging Virgil forward by the hand, Virgil letting Logan lead him further down the hallway they had seen Christopher turn to. They didn't go far, stopping around halfway down the hallway in front of a door.

"The... bathroom?" Roman questioned, frowning. "Well that's a lot more underwhelming than I thought it'd be. I thought he was up to something suspicious."

"It is suspicious," Logan spoke a little more angrily than intended. He found himself squeezing Virgil's hand a little tighter, trying to relax himself. He needed to stay calm. Thinking of Virgil, Logan's mind did feel a little more at ease, shaking his head at himself as he explained. "This is the room where I was killed."

"Oh," Roman mumbled, eyes a little wider than before as he looked back at the door. Patton seemed shocked as well.

"Should we... try going in?" Patton suggested, looking over at where Logan probably was standing.

"Wait," Virgil spoke up suddenly, hand gripping Logan's tighter as he looked at Roman and Patton. "I, um... I know this... might not be the best time, but I have to... could I please have a minute to talk to Logan, alone?"

Patton and Roman shared a worried look, turning back to Virgil with a frown.

"You should probably be quick about it, but yeah. We'll stand by the door just in case something happens." Patton said, receiving a nod from Virgil.

Virgil looked over at Logan next, shivering as the air grew a little colder. "Is... is that alright with you?"

"I suppose so. Let's make it quick. We can't lose this opportunity." Logan said, once again taking the lead and guiding Virgil down the hallway and around the next corner, hidden away from the others but close enough to hear if something went wrong. Once they were there he let go of Virgil's hand for the first time tonight and Virgil tried hard not to focus on how empty it felt now. "What do you need to speak with me about?"

"Can, um... could I see you?" Virgil asked, wincing at the shakiness of his voice. "It's kind of weird just, saying this to air..."

In a few moments Logan was visible in front of him, worried expression on his face. He watched Virgil carefully, waiting for him to start talking. Virgil tried to swallow his nerves, but a lump in his throat kept him from choking it down. He fidgeted with the end of his hoodie, drawing in a breath instead. "Okay... I-I just... have to do this. Gotta say it like ripping off a bandaid. Just, please."

Virgil's eyes met Logan's, a pleading look in them. "Please hear me out, and don't think I'm weird. Please."

"I will listen to you without any judgement, Virgil." Logan promised, hand rising to settle on Virgil's shoulder, a cold and comforting weight. Virgil leaned into the touch, face warming as he closed his eyes.

"Alright. Thanks. It's just..." he looked at Logan again. "We don't know what might happen if we find out this guy is your killer. It might be nothing, or you might... you might 'pass on' or whatever, and I'll never get to see you again and-and-"

"Virgil, breathe." Logan urged his friend, stepping closer and letting the hand not on Virgil's shoulder find his hand again. "You need to breathe. Go slow."

"Okay." Virgil said, shiver running down his spine at the proximity. He squeezed Logan's hand before going back to talking. "I don't want to lose you, but... in case I do, I just wanted to tell you this. And I don't-I don't expect you to say the same, or feel bad for me, or anything like that I just... I just want to tell you."

"Tell me what, Virgil?" Logan asked, the soft way he said Virgil's name sending yet another shiver through him. Virgil started into Logan's eyes, heart melting as he studied his face like it would be the last time he would get to-because it might be.

"I'm... kind of in love with you." Virgil breathed, eyes staying on Logan's as the ghost's eyes went wide with surprise. Virgil's cheeks were flushed, and he was so nervous he could hurl but his eyes stubbornly stayed open, watching and waiting to see what might happen next, to see if he had ruined everything.

What he didn't expect was to find Logan shift the slightest bit closer to him, hand on his shoulder sliding upwards until it found itself holding Virgil's cheek, an unusually wide smile on his lips.

"You truly mean that?" He questioned, receiving a slow nod from Virgil before he shifted even closer, so close that their noses were brushing and Virgil's lips were aching to feel the coolness of Logan's lips against them, so heart-stopping-ly close.

"Guys!" Patton whisper-shouted as he crossed around the corner, causing the two of them to leap apart quickly. Patton gasped and covered his mouth as he realized what he was interrupting, apologizing profusely to the two who simply shook their heads and pretended nothing had been happening.

"Right," Patton shook his head, the slightest of smiles on his lips. "Well, as proud of you as I am Virgil we've got something going on so I'm afraid that's going to have to wait."

"What's happening?" Logan asked, right back to how serious he had been before he and Virgil talked, following after Patton with Virgil close behind. Virgil was at least glad that they got to hold hands some more.

"We definitely think you were right about Christopher being in here. We can hear someone." Patton said, joining Roman again by the door, Virgil and Logan listening.

They could definitely hear him in there, although it wasn't exactly clear what he was doing. Knowing they weren't going to get an answer by standing around here, Logan quickly went invisible again to go through and see what was going on. He tried letting go of Virgil's hand, but Virgil held him tighter.

"Logan, wait," Virgil pulled him back, somehow looking even more nervous than when he was confessing to Logan. "You shouldn't go in there alone."

"I am just taking a look at him. I want to know what he's doing." Logan responded, but didn't move to look again. "I... am aware that I need to be careful. Just let me look, see what's happening and then I will return and we can confront him together."

Virgil frowned and looked over at his friends briefly. They didn't seem to have anything to say, so it was left up to him. He let go of Logan's hand.

"Stay calm, and come right back."

Virgil felt a pair of cold lips press against his, pulling back before Virgil could process what had happened. His eyes were wide, and his breathing heavy. He heard Logan chuckle, drawing him out of his stupor.

"I'll be okay. All I have to do is think about you and I'm not mad anymore." He told Virgil, and with that the cold surrounding Virgil all night left his side.

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