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This is really late and I apologize, but if I had uploaded on time it would've only been 500 hundred words and now it's more like 2000 so I hope this was better? Idk sorry for taking so long

The library was quiet for quite some time after Logan explained everything that had happened when he had passed out. Each of them were still trying to process everything, and none of them really knew how to react. In the end it was Patton who broke the long and uncomfortable silence, asking a question all three of them wanted the answer to. "Why are you only remembering this now..?"

"I... don't know," Logan frowned, eyes focused on a single spot on the table in front of him as he zoned out. His mind was racing with millions of unspoken thoughts and worries.

Another few minutes in silence passed, Virgil watching Logan carefully. He noticed the way he furrowed his brows, seeming to glare at the table as if it had been the one to kill him. He reached out to him carefully, hand lightly touching his freezing shoulder as he frowned. "Logan... what's wrong?"

Logan looked up at him slowly, opening his mouth but no words came out. It took him a moment before he sighed, shaking his head at himself. "I just... I wish I could have remembered more. Not knowing anything... it's making me feel crazy! I don't... I don't know what to do."

Virgil shared a look with Patton, who looked just as worried as him. He hadn't known Logan for as long as Virgil, but he could tell the ghost was very nice. Being the caring person he was he couldn't help but consider Logan a good friend already-and he always hated knowing his friends were upset.

"Look, Logan..." Virgil started, sighing and thinking carefully about what to say. "I'm sure this is all really hard for you. I'm sorry, but me and Patton are here for you! Right, Pat?"

Virgil looked to Patton who immediately nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! We'll help you with anything that you need."

"I truly appreciate that, but how much can you truly do to help? You don't know what happened to me either." Logan's lips rugged downward in a frown, and he shook his head. "I don't think there's anything any of us can do..."

"Well," Virgil started nervously, looking hopeful. "We could start with using the school computers to try and find out when it all happened. Maybe we could find out what... y'know, did this by looking it up. Surely someone knows something."

"Yeah!" Patton nodded eagerly, looking at Logan with a smile. "That could work! What'd you say, Logan? Would you like for us to help you?"

"I..." Logan paused, chewing his lips worriedly. "I suppose that-even if it doesn't tell us anything-it is worth a shot... alright. Thank you, both of you. I appreciate you trying your best to help me."

Logan looked over to Patton, offering him the tiniest of smiles. "Especially you, Patton. We haven't known each other long, and you are still agreeing to help me. You are very kind."

"It's no problem, Logan!" Patton assured him, smiling wider. "I just hope everything works out okay for you. I'll try my best to help with that, because you're my friend, Logan!"

"Thank you," Logan muttered again. "You are a very good friend, Patton. And you as well, Virgil."

"You are too, Logan." Virgil smiled, and with that the three of them decided to start looking into Logan's mysterious death the next day.


The following day, in a class Virgil and Patton shared and sat beside each other in, the two of them were talking quietly to each other. The teacher wasn't paying any attention to the class behind her as she spoke, so it was the perfect time for the two of them to discuss what they were going to do once they got out of class and into the library.

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