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That evening since we were just excited to have most of the family together we ate a quick meal prepared by the cooks and then we all sort of migrated outside since the weather was perfect.

"Don't you just love nights like this?" Lydia asked with a content smile on her face. "Clear skies full of stars, a soft cool breeze, surrounded by people who love you."

I smiled and snuggled into my mates side as I looked into the bonfire.

"The only family missing are my father in law, Briar, and my little brother Vale." I sounded, "otherwise everyone worth being here, is here."

We talked well into the night before Flora excused herself for the evening to tend to baby Camilla and head off to bed.

"Looks like I'll take the night shift with the baby." Ash smiled tiredly.

"Oh son if you'd like any help...I'm a night owl." Lydia said before her own mate agreed.

"She really is, always doing her Luna work at all hours of the night."

She smiled and shrugged innocently, "what can I say, I have my best ideas late at night...which reminds me, if I could use one of your libraries Alpha Graystone?"

He shook his head, "Lydia you know it's just Titus always has been, always will be since we're family...and please help yourself to either of the libraries...the one upstairs has more books and newer furniture but the one downstairs has larger tables to work on and that one is more secluded as there's no rooms surrounding it."

"That one then...I don't want to disturb anyone, I just need to map out the perfect seating chart for a big dinner we have been elected to host when we get back...and it is very important I don't sit the wrong people near each other."

"It seems a Luna's work is never done." I added.

She nodded, "it keeps me busy for sure, but I couldn't imagine doing anything else."

I was beginning to feel a little tired and decided to go in as well but apparently my getting up seemed to signal everyone else as well, soon the entire party was calling it a night and I followed my Mate upstairs to our bedroom.

With the door securely shut behind us Titus sat in one of the chairs and watched me as I began to undo my dress.

"Can I ask you something?"

He nodded, "anything."

"Nico was kinda quiet tonight...do you think he doesn't like me?"

He shook his head, "I don't think it was ever a matter of liking you my Love, but I think it hurts him to see the similarities in you, plus the circumstances..."

"Yeah this was suppose to be his sister's big day, Lydia was supposed to be getting excited about Maggie's wedding dress and her having babies with you...not me." I said, letting my emotions get the best of me. I knew I really shouldn't go all emotional especially around Titus, but sometimes the emotions were too strong to contain, mixed with my pregnancy hormones...and the small fact that I had personally been thinking that since Titus proposed to me.

He sighed and got up, "but it's not her...it's you Everest my Love...you are who I chose to unite myself with, you are the one I chose to mark, you are the one I want to have babies with, and you are the one who I am choosing to marry in front of practicality everyone I know..." He said sweetly emphasizing each 'you' to really drive home his point. "Everest you are my Luna and my Mate...she wasn't, and even if she were here she still would never be my true mate." He said sadly, "I just wish you would stop comparing our relationship with that of a mere memory."

I didn't know what to say.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my shoulder, there were no sexy underscores, just a sweet peck to let me know he was there with me.

"This weekend is about me and you...and NOTHING is going to take that away from us...not a mopey teenager or a grudge holding father in law."

I rolled my eyes, "there's too much security...even my father knows better than to crash our wedding."

"For his sake I hope you're right My Luna."


"Oh Everest." Lydia sounded in awe as Flora, Heidi, and Phyllis gasped.

I stared at my reflection once more before I turned to face them...the billowy fabric swished around my feet lightly as I turned to face them.

I found a watery eyed Phyllis and Lydia, Heidi and Flora were smiling ear to ear.

"You look so gorgeous Evie." Flora sounded sweetly.

"And it fits like a glove." Heidi added happily.

"But don't you dare think about not eating My Lady...those babies need their nutrients so we'll have a seamstress on hand to make any last minute alterations as needed." Phyllis sounded off in tow.

"Thank you...all of you, it means so much to me to have you all here right now...I know Titus and I are already husband and wife through the union ceremony...but, I can't wait to marry him in two days...it seems so surreal."

They all smiled a little giddily, the elation seemed to fill the room as no one seemed able to stop smiling.

The bridal shop offered to pick my hair up and gave me a loaner veil to put on so my guests could get the full picture...again there were more than a couple watery eyes.

"I have to get all my tears out before the big day...I refuse to ruin my makeup." I laughed a little as I dabbed at my eyes.

Once more we talked and I finally got out of my wedding dress, I smiled to myself in the dressing room knowing the next time I would see that dress would officially be my wedding day, and as perfect as everything was so far...I could help but feel like something was going to go wrong any minute.

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