Your 5SOS Song

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Beside You- "Another day and I'm somewhere new. I made a promise that I'll come home soon. Bring me back, bring me back to you."

With Calum being gone on tour all the time, you had to make a long distance relationship work. It was hard, him being in a different country, different timezone everyday. He would go to bed as you woke up, and vice versa. He loved touring with the boys, but at the end of the day, all he wanted was to be back home with you.


End Up Here- "I'm so lucky, 'cause in the end, I'm a six and she's a ten. She's so fit, I'm insecure, but she keeps coming back for more."

It's no secret that Ashton has always been a little insecure and the fact that he ended up with a girl like you always surprised him. To you, it was the other way around. You couldn't believe you ended up with someone like him. You two were perfect for one another, always giving each other cute compliments and making each other feel loved.


Long Way Home- "I wanna get lost and drive forever with you, talkin' about nothing and whatever baby. So we're taking the long way home."

You and Luke had known each other forever, and had been best friends before beginning to date. When you first learned to drive, you and Luke would go out in the car, driving around, singing along with the songs on the radio, talking about anything and everything, and occasionally getting lost. After 3 years together, despite the tours, the fame, and the long distance, Luke was still the same guy you'd always known, so when he cam home from tour, the first thing you would do was take the long way home.


Never Be- "I see myself here in your eyes, I stay awake til the sunrise. I wanna hold you hold you all night. I wanna tell you that you're all mine"

You and Michael were extremely similar and had been though many of the same things in your life. You could relate to one another so well and that's what made your relationship great. You could look at one another and know what the other was thinking. You two could stay up all night, just holding one another and it would bet better than any night out you could have.

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