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It had taken hardly any persuasion to get your boyfriend Michael to see The Fault in our Stars with you.  Beforehand you stocked up on tissues (after reading the book you were a mess, so you could only imagine how badly you would handle the film) and popcorn.  With Michael in tow you entered the theatre and prepared yourself.  ”I don’t even get why you bought so many tissues.  How sad could it be?” At that moment the lights dimmed and the movie started so you shushed him and became in grossed in the film.  As soon as Gus and Hazel met you were reaching for a tissue and by the end you had gone through a whole pack of them.  Michael was forced to eat his words when he grabbed a tissue too.  You both sat there, Michael’s arm around your shoulders and popcorn on your lap, dabbing your eyes as the lights came on at the end, a pile of tissues covering both your legs.


 "Why are you so desperate to watch Titanic?” He asked as you held up the DVD.  Movie nights were common between you two and this time it was your turn to pick.  ”Because, it’s a cinematic masterpiece!  And young Leo makes my heart melt,” you swooned as you put it on.  ”I still can’t believe you’ve never seen it.”  ”I know what happens in the end anyway, I’m not missing out on much.”  Three hours later, you had your head in Luke’s chest, crying your eyes out like you did every time you watched the movie.  Once you’d convinced yourself Jack and Rose were happy somewhere, you pulled your face up to be met with red-rimmed eyes.  One hand ran up and down your back in a comforting way while you held his other in your own.  ”This movie has scarred me, Y/N.  I hope you know that.”


 "If Captain America and the Black Widow are in it then it must be good," you commented as you and Calum walked into the movie theatre to watch Captain America: The Winter Soldier.  You took your seats in the back row and settled down for the movie to start.  Calum yawned and stretched his arm over the back of your seat in a not-so-sly move.  You laughed passed him some popcorn as he ginned.  Soon the movie started and you were both mesmerised by it, especially when The Winter Soldier was twirling his knife around.  You were practically drooling over him throughout the whole movie.  After a few hours of explosions and action you led the theatre hand in hand chatting non-stop about how good and kick-ass the whole film was.


"Ash, why on earth would you think this was a good idea?" You breathed as your eyes stared at the screen.  Ashton had somehow convinced you to watch The Decent which, although wasn’t the most realistic film, had creatures poping up everywhere, nearly making your heart stop.  You had a duvet pulled up to your face so your eyes could just see over it, and Ashton lay rigid beside you shoulder to shoulder.  You could feel him jump every time something appeared, and he even yelped a few times.  ”Oh my god, Y/N, why is she going through there?!  It’s going to make a noise and the things will get them!  Oh my god!” He nearly shouted, hitting your arm as if you could change what was happening in the film.  Needless to say, you both slept clinging onto each other that night, jumping every time something made a noise.

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